Check the system requirements for your game to make sure your computer can run it properly.
Meeting minimum requirements means that the game will run on your computer, not that it will run well at the highest settings. If your PC barely meets minimum requirements, you'll have to sacrifice some visuals for better performance.
If you’re close to minimum requirements, try not to run other programs in the background while you’re gaming so that your computer can use all its processing power on your game.
Even if your computer can run the base game, you might not be able to run expansions or an updated version of the game later.
Keep your graphics card driver up to date. Most graphics card manufacturers release new drivers when a big, new game comes out, and some of our games will keep you from playing until you have the latest one.
To download the latest driver, first find out what graphics card you have by following the steps below.
Once you know what graphics card you have, go to the manufacturer's website to find out how to download and install the latest driver for your card:
Make sure to do a clean install when you install your new driver. This means there’s a lower chance of your old drivers clashing with your new ones.
Follow the clean install instructions for your driver:
Graphics driver problems can happen when you add a new driver on top of your old ones without doing a clean install.
To fix this, try removing all the graphics drivers from your system and reinstalling the latest version:
If you’re close to the minimum specs, you may need to adjust your graphics options in your game to make it run more smoothly.
Each game has a different way of getting to the graphics options. It’s usually in the main menu, then Options, then either Video or Graphics options.
Once there, lower some of the settings, then restart the game to apply them if you’re asked to.
Most computers have processors that can run basic graphics, but to get the best out of your games, you need to be sure that you run them using a separate (dedicated, sometimes called discrete) graphics card (GPU).
Most recent games won’t run well, or not at all, without a dedicated graphics card.
To make sure your system always uses your dedicated graphics card to play your game (especially if you’re playing on a laptop), set up a gaming profile.
Graphics card manufacturers have different ways of setting up gaming profiles. Follow the steps for your card manufacturer below.
Overclocking means using software to turn up the speed of your processor (either your main processor or your GPU). Many modern graphics cards are already factory overclocked, which means they’ve already been set to run faster than their base speed but within safe limits.
Further increasing the speed (using special software or tweaks like those in Radeon settings for AMD cards) can lead to overheating and other stability problems.
Setting your clock speed back to the factory default is an important first step in troubleshooting graphics issues.
If your system runs better at default clock speeds, then your problems may have been caused by your overclocking settings.
If you’re still having trouble, check the list of symptoms below to find some possible causes.
For other issues on your PC, you can try using CCleaner to clear out issues and errors.
While we suggest using CCleaner, EA does not provide user support for this program–use it at your own risk. Please follow any installation guides straight from CCleaner when installing and performing program set-up. You can find help on CCleaner’s support page.
EA does not benefit in any way, monetarily or otherwise, from the promotion of this program.