Here’s all you need to know about transferring your STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™ character to another server.
Transfer a character
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Character Transfers cost 1,000 Cartel Coins per character. The price may be reduced occasionally when there’s a sale on transfers in the Cartel Market. Cartel Coins are the only currency that you can use to pay for a Character Transfer.

- Log in to your account on
- On your account page, click on Character Transfer.
- Select Show Restrictions to expand the section and read through the information on the page so you're aware of transfer requirements and what does and does not transfer. You can also check transfer restrictions in the FAQs below.
- When you're ready, select the source server and go to Choose Character.
- Select the character that you would like to move, then select Choose Destination.
- Select the server you want to move the character to. You’ll see the current price for the transfer listed beside the server name.
- Select Transfer Character.
- The system will check if you can transfer that character.
- It will also flag if you have in-game mail which will be deleted on that character.
- To proceed with the transfer and pay the fee in Cartel Coins, select Start Transfer.
- If you don’t want to go ahead with the transfer, select Back or close the page.
- If you've confirmed the transfer, the system will give you an estimated time for the transfer to complete.
Don’t try to log in on the character you are transferring until you have received an email to your registered email address confirming that the transfer is complete.
Transferring a character created with a Commander character token to another server makes that character permanent.
If you transfer a Commander character and delete them, your token won’t be returned.
What happens if my character name is taken on my new server?
If your character name is already taken by another player on your new server, you’ll need to rename your character. Your character will be flagged for a rename the next time you log in, and you'll be asked to rename them before you can play with them again.
Will my Legacy, Achievements, and Collections all transfer with my character?
Yes! All of your Legacy unlocks, earned Achievements, and triggered Collections will be waiting for you.
- If you’ve purchased a Stronghold on a character you’re transferring, here’s what you need to know before you start your transfer:
- Your Stronghold remains on your Origin server, as it belongs to your Legacy there.
- If you bought your Stronghold with Credits, you’ll need to buy it again on your new server.
- If you bought it with another currency, you won’t need to buy it again, but you’ll need to reactivate and redecorate it.
- The contents of your Legacy Stronghold Storage (including any Credits you have stored there) don’t transfer with your character.
- Legacy-bound currencies, including Galactic Seasons tokens, don’t transfer with your character.
- Additional Legacy Stronghold Storage Bays that were bought with Credits won’t transfer along with your character, as these are tied to your Legacy on your Origin server.
- Bays that you bought with Cartel Coins are account-wide, and so will be available to you on your new server.
- We recommend that you withdraw any items you'd like to bring with you and move them into your character's personal inventory or cargo hold.
- When your character reaches the new server, the number of unlocks for each Stronghold Decoration they own will be compared with those available to your Legacy on the destination server, and the highest number will be awarded.
- If you’re moving to a server where you don’t have a Legacy unlocked, you’ll get to create your Legacy when your character first logs in on that server, and you’ll bring all your Decorations with you, ready to be added to a Stronghold there.
- If at first your Decorations aren’t available when you log in on your new server, try logging out and back in again on your character. Once that’s done, they should show as available to place in Edit Mode.
What about my Loadouts?
Your currently active loadout and your saved loadouts all transfer with your character.
What doesn’t transfer with my character?
- Your in-game mail won’t be transferred. This includes unread and read mail.
- Please make sure any mail is read, and any items or credits within your mailbox are added to your inventory before your transfer is confirmed. Any items not removed from your mailbox won’t be available on your Origin server after the transfer is complete.
- Your stamped outfits in Outfitter will be reset.
- You'll need to set these up again on your new server.
- Cartel Pack items from your Item Stash won’t transfer. The Item Stash is tied to your Legacy on your current server.
- Your progress in Galactic Seasons doesn’t transfer with your character.
- The Materials tab on your Inventory is also tied to your Legacy on your Origin server and its contents won’t transfer with your character.
- We recommend that you withdraw any items you'd like to bring with you and move them into your character's personal cargo hold.
- Your Friends list (by default, press O to access) won’t be transferred. Friends lists are server-specific. As your listed Friends may choose to be transferred to the same destination server, you can take note of your Friends before the transfer and add them to your Friends list again after the transfer.
- Your Ignore list (by default, press O to access and click the Ignore tab) won’t be transferred. Ignore lists that are server-specific. You can take note of those on your Ignore list before the transfer and add them to your Ignore list again after the transfer.
- Your Galactic Trade Network listings won’t be transferred. Make sure your characters have no items listed on the Galactic Trade Network before your transfer is confirmed. Any items still listed on the Galactic Trade Network won’t be listed on your Origin server after the transfer is complete.
What happens if I have a Legacy on both my source and destination servers?
Whichever Legacy is of a higher level will become your new Legacy. This has no effect on unlocks, but the unlocks from both Legacies will combine.
For example, if you transfer a character who is in a level 27 Legacy from Tulak Hord to the Leviathan, but you currently have a level 13 Legacy, you’ll have a level 27 Legacy on the Leviathan which combines the unlocks from both servers after the transfer.
Is there a way to transfer a guild?
We’re not currently able to offer a transfer of an entire guild at one time. Each guild member must transfer their characters individually and then recreate their guild on the new server.
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