القائمة القائمة

هذا المقال غير متاح باللغة العربية. يمكنك قراءته باللغة الإنجليزية من هنا، أو الاتصال بنا للتحدث إلى أحد المستشارين بلغة أخرى.

Have your Sims take part in special Family Events in The Sims Mobile to earn extra rewards and bonuses as they age up.

Family is very important, even to your Sims! When they interact with their family, they can learn new things and earn bonuses in their Events as they age up.

Heirloom Tickets are earned as a reward for doing family Events. You can get higher level Events for selling Heirlooms.

Family Events with your Sims’ children

Take part in Children Events to give your Sims’ children the Good Upbringing trait. The Good Upbringing trait gives your children bonuses as they age into adults and start participating in events of their own. Those bonuses include boosts to Event XP for all kinds of events.

Tap the Family icon that appears over your Sims’ children to start a Children Event.

Start a Family Event in The Sims Mobile.

The more events you have with your children, the more their Good Upbringing trait will improve.

Mentoring your Sims

Your retired Sims can mentor your other Sims. These teaching moments are where your retired Sims can pass their knowledge on to your current playable Sims.

Mentor event in The Sims Mobile.

The mentoring will let your adult Sims earn career or hobby XP to the playable Sim that’s being mentored.

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