Trouble installing The Sims 3 from an install disc
EA Help 文章
If you are having trouble installing The Sims 3 from an install disk, follow these steps.
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If you are having trouble installing The Sims 3 from an install disk, follow these steps.
Learn how to uninstall The Sims 3 and its Expansion and Stuff Packs from your Mac or PC.
Find help here when The Sims 3 isn’t working on your computer.
Figure out if you need to switch to The Sims 3 64-bit on Mac and how to install the new version.
Find help here when The Sims 3 isn’t working on your Mac.
Learn how to download The Sims 3 and install Expansion Packs, Stuff Packs, and worlds.
Follow these steps to check for a corrupted save file or Gallery download in the Sims 4.
Contact support from within your game or learn how to find your ID in case you’re ever locked out. We’ll need your ID to help you.
Learn how to link your mobile game to your Google Play or Apple ID account so you don’t lose your saves.
If you can’t find your games, try these steps to see if they’re hidden, your purchase is still processing, or if you lost access.