Division Rivals is an online seasonal competition with a skill-driven rank system that can be played Solo or Co-Op.
Win matches to climb the ladder, increasing your Rank and Division so you can challenge for better rewards.
Play matches to earn FUT Champions Qualification Points based on the Division you’re playing in, and use those Points to qualify for the FUT Champions Play-Offs.
Each Division Rivals Season will run for the duration of a FUT Season. A FUT Season usually lasts about 6 weeks.
Progression in Division Rivals is a ladder system, where you can move up and down the ladder based on your match results. Each rung of this ladder is a ‘Stage’.
When you first start playing Division Rivals, you will begin in Division 10. Division 10 will have a number of Stages within it that you need to get through before you can move up to Division 9, which will in turn have a number of Stages to get to Division 8, etc.
Some of the Stages are special. Reaching a Rank will unlock a new level of Weekly Rewards that you can earn. Reaching a Checkpoint will prevent you from moving down below that Stage if you lose matches in the future.
When you first start playing Division Rivals, you’ll start in Division 10. Your match results throughout the remainder of the FUT Season will determine what Division you eventually finish the Season at.
When a new FUT Season starts, all competitors will be moved down from the Division that you finished the previous Season in, starting in a lower Division so you can start to climb the ladder back to the top again.
There are 11 Divisions in Division Rivals, with Divisions 10–1, and then the Elite Division.
The Elite Division is where the highest skilled players in Division Rivals compete. You can reach the Elite Division after progressing through Division 1. Once you have reached the Elite Division, you will continue to compete there until the end of the active FUT Season.
With the implementation of cross-play, the Elite Top 200 will have a global leaderboard. You can only view this leaderboard while you have cross-play enabled, and you can toggle between the global leaderboard and the same platform (local) leaderboard as well.
If you have cross-play disabled, you’ll continue to see the Elite Top 200 leaderboard displaying the same platform view as it appeared in FIFA 22.
Climb through the Ranks to increase your Division. The further you progress, the more rewards you earn.
There are two types of rewards: Weekly and Season Milestone.
Once the weekly competition ends, you’ll be able to claim your Weekly Rewards shortly after, either in-game or on FUT Web and the Companion Apps. In some cases, you’ll get to choose between different reward options. Meanwhile, Season Milestone rewards will be given out after a FUT Season finishes.
Rewards are released Thursdays at 08:00 UTC.
For both Solo and Co-Op Matchmaking for Divisions 10–1, you’ll matchmake with players based on three different factors:
Elite Division Matchmaking in Division Rivals is based on three different factors:
If you’re playing Co-Op, the Skill Rating of the higher-skilled player in a pair is used when matchmaking, meaning that at least two of the four potential Co-Op participants can have a similar Skill Rating.
You can matchmake with players who are playing on other platforms than you if you have cross-play enabled. You can only play only play against those in the same platform generation as you, regardless of your cross-play preference:
It’s exactly what it sounds like—a way to rate your skills, or performance, in the Division Rivals Elite Division.
With every match you play in the Elite Division, your Skill Rating will change. It will increase or decrease based on how you do in your matches.
Your Skill Rating impacts who you matchmake with in the Elite Division. It also determines your overall ranking in comparison to the other players in the Elite Division, with the very best making it to the Top 200 Leaderboard.
When you first enter the Elite Division, you’ll get a default Skill Rating of 1800, which will go up or down based on several factors listed below.
Every match you play in the Elite Division will determine any changes to your Skill Rating. Win a match and your Skill Rating will probably go up; lose a match and it will probably go down.
The amount that it changes depends on both your Skill Rating as well as your opponent’s. If you win a match with someone that has a higher Skill Rating than you, yours will go up more than if you won against someone with a similar or lower Skill Rating.
If you draw, your Skill Rating could go up, down, or not change at all. Here’s how:
Each Elite Division match has what’s called a K-Factor of 30. That’s the most your Skill Rating can go up or down from playing a single match.
The further apart two players’ Skill Ratings are, the gain/loss changes accordingly.
Want an easy way to figure it out? Check out the calculations in our spreadsheet. Input each player’s Skill Rating and K-Factor of 30, and the formula will let you know how each player’s Skill Rating may change.
Note that when you’re playing in Co-Op, your Skill Rating calculation is based on the highest Skill Rating player on the opponent’s team. Your teammates and opponents can earn/lose more Skill Rating than you, depending on their own Skill Rating.