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Linking Plants vs Zombies 3 to your Google Play, Apple ID, Game Center, or Facebook account protects your progress.

Save your progress Restore progress Why you should link Unlink your account

To save progress, link your account with Google Play, Game Center, your Apple ID, or Facebook.

  1. Select the cogwheel to open the Settings menu.
  2. Under Account Management, select Link Accounts.
  3. Select the account you want to link to (Google Play, Facebook, Game Center, or Apple ID).

Once you’ve linked an account to Plants vs Zombies 3, your game progress will be saved and backed up.

Try these steps if you ever need to restore your progress, data, or stats.

When you link to an account, you can play on multiple devices, transfer your progress to another device, and recover game progress if it’s ever lost.

Without linking to an account, you’ll play as a Guest. Guests can only save directly to the phone or tablet they’re playing on.

To unlink your account, open the Settings menu. Under Account Management, select the account you want to unlink and follow the prompts.

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