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Find out how to start or join a Guild in STAR WARS: Galaxy of Heroes.

To start a Guild, you need to have 300,000 Credits.

  1. Tap on the Guilds icon on the home screen.
  2. Tap the Create a New Guild tab.

    A coral dotted box surrounds the Create a New Guild tab on the Guilds screen.

You need to choose a name, logo, and color scheme for your Guild. You can also set a message for prospective members and pick membership requirements, like:

  • open to join or invite only
  • a minimum level for members.

    The Create a Guild screen is where a player can enter details for their Guild, such as name, logo, color scheme, set an external message, and pick membership requirements.

After choosing the requirements for your Guild, tap Create, and you’re ready to start recruiting.

Some Guilds are open to everyone to join, and some require approval from a Guild Leader or Officer. Choose one of our Recommended Guilds or use our Guild Search tool to find a Guild.

  • You can only apply to one Guild at a time.
  • If you’re waiting for an approval, you can cancel your application if you want to try joining another Guild.

If you leave one Guild to join another, you won’t earn Guild rewards for 48 hours. That includes Territory Battle, Raid, or Guild Activity rewards that other members get during that time.

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