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MySims™: Cozy Bundle controls guide


Find out how button and touch screen controls work in MySims: Cozy Bundle on Nintendo Switch™.

The MySims: Cozy Bundle includes retro re-releases of two games: MySims and MySims Kingdom. Check out each section to learn how to use the controls for each game on the Nintendo Switch™.

How to use controls in MySims

- Button

View Tasks/My Stuff

Left Stick

Move/Rotate object

Hold L Button

Reset camera view/Ghost image 

Up Button

Snap Mode (Build Mode)

Down Button

Snap Mode (Build Mode)

Right Button

Next option

Left Button

Previous option

ZL Button

Zoom out

L Button

Rotate camera left

+ Button


X Button 


Y Button

Map/Tasks/Decoratives/Copy (Build Mode)

B Button


A Button


Right Stick

Pointer/Move fishing rod

Hold R Button

Toggle Hand/Paint Mode

ZR Button

Zoom in

R Button

Rotate Camera right

A controls guide for MySims that explains button placement on a Nintendo Switch controller and the corresponding gameplay functions such as navigation, camera control, and more.

How to use controls in MySims Kingdom

- Button

Travelogue/Previous step

Left Stick


Hold L Button

Reset camera/Slide under mode

Up Button

Select tool (up)

Down Button

Select tool (down)

Right Button

Next option

Left Button

Previous option

ZL Button

Zoom out

L Button

Rotate camera left

+ Button


X Button 


Y Button

Map/Copy (Build Mode)

B Button


A Button


Right Stick

Pointer/Move fishing rod

Hold R Button

Toggle Hand/Paint Mode

ZR Button

Zoom in

R Button

Rotate Camera right

A controls guide for MySims Kindom that explains button placement on a Nintendo Switch controller and the corresponding gameplay functions such as navigation, camera control, and more.

How to use touch controls in MySims: Cozy Bundle

You can use Nintendo Switch™ touch screen controls for some features, such as:

  • accessing menus in-game (My Stuff, Inventory, Map)
  • creating or editing your Sim
  • interacting with other Sims
  • harvesting and fishing
  • Workshop, House Decoration, and Build Mode.

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