In The Sims 4, deaths are added to the game in two ways. Sometimes they’re completely unique deaths, like Death by Poison, and sometimes they’re new actions that trigger existing death types.
For example, Death by Drowning is how a Sim can die, but the death can be triggered in different ways. These triggers can be added with new Packs.
New death types can be added to The Sims 4 with Base Game updates.
Here are all the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Base Game:
Sims can also die emotional deaths. These happen when they have too many of the same Moodlet, making the Moodlet extreme.
Note: in the Base Game, Child Sims can only die by Drowning or Fire.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 City Living Expansion Pack.
Death by Pufferfish
If your Sim eats poor quality Pufferfish Nigiri, they have a 50% chance of death by poisoning.
To do this, have your Sim order Pufferfish Nigiri at one of the food stalls in the Spice Market district of San Myshuno. Hover over the dish to see what quality it is.
Once your Sim eats the Pufferfish, they’ll learn the recipe so they can make it themselves at home. If they do this when in a bad mood or with a low Cooking Skill, they’re more likely to create a low-quality dish.
Note: Mermaids, Aliens, Servos, and Vampires can’t die by Pufferfish.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack.
Death by Freezing and Death by Overheating
If your Sim is too hot or too cold, they can die from extreme weather. To avoid or initiate this, make sure your Sim is wearing the correct clothes for the weather.
In Create a Sim, you can choose a hot weather and cold weather outfit. If your Sim is wearing a bikini in a blizzard, they can experience Death by Freezing, and if they’re wearing a ski suit in a heatwave, they can experience Death by Overheating.
Another way to initiate this death is by adjusting the thermostat in your Sim’s home. Having it too hot during a heatwave can kill your Sim.
Death by Flowers
To trigger this death, your Sim will need:
Using the Flower Arranging table, have your Sim create a bouquet. When it’s complete, select Scent With and choose Death Flower. Gifting this flower arrangement to an Elder Sim will kill them immediately. Gifting it to a Sim at any other life stage won’t kill them, but it will age them up.
Death by Lightning
With The Sims 4 Seasons comes extreme weather, including thunderstorms. If your Sim is outside during a thunderstorm, there’s a chance they could be hit by lightning. If they’re holding an umbrella, the chance is even higher.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion Pack.
Death by Drowning
If your Sim jumps or falls into the Luminary’s Exotic Water Garden pond from the Get Famous Expansion Pack, it can trigger Death by Drowning.
Only a pond stocked with sharks, piranhas, or sprites will cause this death. Some Sims may emerge unscathed and have a Confident moodlet if they survive the pond!
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Island Living Expansion Pack.
Death by Fire
With Island Living comes a new Lot Challenge, Volcanic Activity. If a Volcanic meteor falls on your Lot, there’s a chance a fire will break out, or your Sim can attempt to touch the meteor while it’s still hot and catch on fire. This causes Death by Fire.
Death by Drowning
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack.
Death by Being Swarmed by Flies
If your Sim’s trash is overflowing, it can attract swarms of flies. If they perform the Bond with Flies interaction, this can trigger Death by Being Swarmed by Flies, and your Sim could get eaten alive!
Death by Beetles
First, your Sim will need beetle nuggets. These can be harvested from the Insect Farm 24 hours after you begin nurturing your beetles.
Your Sim needs to have a Mixology Skill level 10 to create the Beetle Juice drink. Using the beetle nuggets, your Sim can create this drink at the bar, they’ll need to drink three of these to trigger Death by Beetles.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion Pack.
Death by Falling from Heights
Your Sim will need to have a high rock climbing skill before they tackle summiting Mt. Komorebi. If they attempt it with a low rock climbing skill, they can fall to their death. This is more likely the higher up the mountain they go.
Death by Vending Machine
If something gets stuck in a vending machine, sometimes your Sim is better off leaving it there. Trying to unstick the item can cause them to be crushed underneath it! This action will need to happen twice for it to trigger the death, as your Sim will already have the Close Call moodlet.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Cottage Living Expansion Pack.
Death by Killer Chicken and Death by Killer Rabbit
These deaths are both triggered in the same way. If you perform multiple mean interactions on a rabbit or chicken, they can turn on your Sim and kill them.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 High School Years Expansion Pack.
Death by Stink Capsule
Part of the High School Years Expansion Pack is the ability to prank lockers at school with a stink capsule. To do this, your Sim needs to have a level three Mischief Skill. You’ll need to keep planting stink capsules until one of them backfires on your Sim, giving them the Self-Stinked moodlet. If a stink capsule backfires on them while they have this moodlet, it’ll trigger the death.
Note: this death only works for Teen Sims.
Death by Urban Myth
To unlock the Summon Urban Myth interaction, your Sim needs to have a level eight Mischief Skill. When they perform this interaction on another Sim, they’ll both get a Scared moodlet. If they perform the interaction a second time while they still have the Scared moodlet, the urban myth will kill your Sim.
Note: this death only works for Teen Sims.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Lovestruck Expansion Pack.
Death by Broken Heart
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Discover University Expansion Pack.
Death by Overexertion
If your Sim overuses the Electromagnetic Research Archive Machine from Discover University, it can drain their needs to the point of exhaustion. If they continue contributing to the machine once they have an Exhausted moodlet, this can trigger the death.
Death by Catastrophic Meltdown
If a Servo (a robot Sim) isn’t maintained, they’ll start to malfunction and can eventually have a catastrophic meltdown.
Note: this death only affects Servo Sims.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 For Rent Expansion Pack.
Death by Mold
For Rent added Mold as a new Lot Challenge to the game. This Lot Challenge causes mold to show up in areas of your Sims home. There are two types of mold: Allergenic Mold Piles and Toxic Mold Piles.
If the Toxic Mold Piles aren’t cleaned up and your Sim gets too close to it, they can get infected with the mold. Once your Sim is infected, they’ll have the Dazed moodlet, which will progress from Moldinitis, to Severe Moldinitis, to Deadly Moldinitis. Once your Sim reaches the Deadly Moldinitis stage, it’s only a matter of time before it kills them.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Life & Death Expansion Pack.
Death by Murder of Crows
If your Sim uses the Provoke interaction on the Pet Crow too many times, the Crow will attack your Sim and kill them. You can buy the Grim Standard Ascendant Crow in Build Mode or buy the Grim Deluxe Ascendant Crow from the Mysterious Merchant, Waylon Warez. You can find him near the Crypt at the Old Specter Graveyard in Ravenwood.
Random Death
If your living Sim Submerges in the Baleful Bog in Ravenwood, they can have an Out of Body Experience and temporarily turn into a Ghost. If they do this too many times in a row, this change will be irreversible! When your Sim dies in this way, the game will automatically apply a random death type based on the Packs you own.
Death by Old Age
When Elder Sims die from Old Age, they can pass away peacefully in their sleep.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 StrangerVille Game Pack.
Consumed by the Mother
This death was added as a potential outcome of the StrangerVille storyline. In this Pack, your Sim searches for clues to solve the mystery inside a secret lab. Defeating the Mother, a huge plant hidden inside the lab, is the only way to save StrangerVille from the unknown virus. If you aren’t prepared to fight (you don’t have the vaccine), your Sim can be Consumed by the Mother.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Game Pack.
Death by Poison
If your Sim is exploring the jungle and temples in the world of Selvadorada, they can get a spider bite or be hit with a poisoned dart. This will leave your Sim with a Dazed moodlet.
For some Sims, the Dazed moodlet will go away on its own. If it doesn’t, your Sim will start showing more symptoms like green patches on their skin and belching. Your Sim will eventually die of poisoning if you don’t get them an antidote. You can purchase this on the computer for §1000 or trade Bone Dust for the antidote with the Market Vendors in Selvadorada.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Spa Day Game Pack.
Death by Steam
Be careful not to leave your Sim in the sauna for too long, especially if they have the Superfluous Steaming moodlet. If you do, it can trigger Death by Steam.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Game Pack.
Death by Spellcaster Overload
If your Sim is a Spellcaster, they need to be careful they don’t overcharge. This can happen if they perform too many magical interactions close together. If they keep using magic when they’re overcharged, they can explode.
Note: this death can only happen to Spellcaster Sims.
Random Death
Spellcaster Sims can be cursed with the Night Wraith Curse. When this happens, a Night Wraith will stalk your Sim and they’ll be so scared they won’t sleep or function properly. This means their needs will be really low, so this can easily trigger another death, like Death by Hunger.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack.
Death by Sunlight
If your Vampire Sim spends too much time in the sunlight, it can kill them by depleting their Vampiric Energy. To avoid this, give your Vampire Sim the Perfect or Greater Sun Resistance effect to make them immune to sunlight.
Note: this death can only happen to Vampire Sims.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff Pack.
Death by Rabid Rodent Fever
When your Sim owns a rodent, they’ll need to keep on top of cleaning their enclosure. If the enclosure becomes dirty, the next time your Sim interacts with them, they could be bitten by their pet. This infects your Sim with Rabid Rodent Fever.
It takes a while for this to take full effect. First, your Sim will have a Tense moodlet. They’ll feel Uncomfortable and you’ll notice them sneezing and coughing. Over the next couple of days, your Sim’s symptoms will get worse and their needs will be difficult to keep up with.
Your Sim can research Rabid Rodent Fever at the computer or visit a Vet Clinic to cure the disease. If they let it run its course, they’ll eventually die.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff Pack.
Random Death
Sometimes the Wishing Well is in a bad mood, which isn’t the best time for your Sim to make a wish! Look at the face on the Wishing Well to figure out its mood. It can be happy, neutral, angry, or appear with a hood.
All wishes made when the face is hooded have the potential for a deadly outcome, and Sims who wish when the well is in a bad mood can find themselves turned into a Ghost. When your Sim dies this way, the game will automatically apply a random death type based on the Packs you own.
All the deaths that come with The Sims 4 Tiny Living Stuff Pack.
Death by being Crushed by a Murphy Bed
The Murphy Bed is a new Item added with the Tiny Living Stuff Pack. It folds up to give your Sim more space when not in use. When your Sim folds away the bed, they can get caught in it and die. This death is completely random and won’t happen every time your Sim uses a Murphy Bed.
There are a couple of different ways to cheat death in The Sims 4.
Ambrosia has the power to bring Ghost Sims back from the dead.
To make Ambrosia you’ll need:
Once your Sim gathers all of these ingredients in their Personal Inventory or the fridge, they’ll have the option to Make Ambrosia. Give this to a Ghost Sim and they’ll return to the world of the living.
In The Sims 4 Realm of Magic Game Pack, the Dedeathify Spell can be unlocked by Spellcasters who have mastered the Untamed School of Magic. Cast this on a Ghost Sim to bring them back to life.
When Grim comes to reap a Sim’s soul, you can gift him a Death Flower. This has a 100% success rate as he’ll always accept this in exchange for the life of a Sim.
To grow a Death Flower, your Sim needs to be a level 5 in the Gardening Skill to unlock Grafting. A Death Flower is made by Grafting a Pomegranate to an Orchid.
For more detail on how to do this, check out our gardening guide on EA Help.
In The Sims 4 Life & Death Expansion Pack, when Grim comes to reap a Sim’s soul you can gift him a Death Frog. When gifted, there’s a high chance Grim will accept this in exchange for the life of a Sim.
You can find Death Frogs the same way you’d look for regular frogs in the game, by selecting the Look for Frogs interaction on logs and in ponds. Your Sim will have a greater chance of finding one if they search around midnight.
In The Sims 4 Life & Death Expansion Pack, when a Sim is dying from any death other than Death by Old Age, a Ghost Sim can save them from the brink of death by talking with Grim. The Ghost has to have the Helpful Ghost power (Grim’s Ride-or-Die in the Ghost Mastery Panel) to perform the Save a Life interaction. This has a 100% success rate.
The Wishing Well comes with The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff Pack. To bring a Ghost Sim back to life, choose the Wish for Life interaction on the Wishing Well.
Using the Wishing Well can backfire, as it doesn’t always give your Sim what they wished for. If successful, this interaction will bring your Ghost Sim back to life. If not, it can curse your Sim!
The Book of Life is unlocked at the final level of the Bestselling Author Aspiration. When a Sim completes this Aspiration, they can write the Book of Life for another Sim. To do this use the computer and select Write > The Book of Life.
When your Sim finishes writing, you can bind it to another Sim by selecting Capture Epic Saga. Whichever Sim you bind to the book is the Sim you can bring back to life once they die. To do this, the author of the book selects Summon to bring the Ghost of the Sim to them. The Ghost Sim will need to read The Book of Life to be resurrected.
When a Sim dies, you won’t have long to wait before Grim appears. Before he performs his reaping, you have a chance to plead for the Sim’s life and return them to the world of the living.
This doesn't have a high success rate, but there are a few things that make success more likely.
You only get to plead once.
In The Sims 4 Life and Death Expansion Pack, Sims can challenge Grim to a game. If they beat him, the dying Sim will be revived and get another chance at life. One of the games listed below has to be on the Lot at the moment of death for Sim to be able to challenge Grim. The games, and Packs needed, include:
Be warned, the above games are always weighted heavily in favor of Grim, but there’s always a chance your Sim can win!
The Sims 4 Life and Death Expansion Pack has a new Personality Trait, Chased by Death. Sims that have this Trait are hyperaware that death follows their every move. You’ll notice these Sims will have frequent near-death experiences and have a higher chance of dying when performing risky interactions.
These Sims have a desire to live life to the fullest and will earn more rewards when completing goals on their Bucket List, so they’ll progress through their Soul’s Journey faster. To find out more about how this works, read our Soul’s Journey guide.