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Whenever you meet a new Sim, you can choose how to introduce yourself. You can be Friendly, Flirty, or Mean.
Build your relationship level with other Sims by doing different social actions. Stick to the same type of action to build that kind of relationship.
Not happy with the way your Sims’ relationship is going? Tap the other Sim and swipe up until you see More Options. There you can pick a relationship type.
You’re not afraid of commitment, are you? It’s time to start the next stage of your Sim’s relationship.
Once you reach a certain relationship level, you’ll get an option to start a Story.
As your Sim’s relationship blossoms, they’ll unlock new Story options and actions.
To progress in relationships, you might need to buy some objects with Simoleons.
Your rewards can also change based on how risky the action is. The riskier an action is, the better the reward if your Sim is successful.
Normal event actions will naturally raise your Sim’s confidence. As they gain confidence during an event, the risky actions will start to pop up.
If your Sim succeeds, congratulations! They’ll get not only the higher reward, but they’ll also gain confidence.
If they fumble and fail, well, they won’t get as good of a reward and their confidence will decrease. Better luck next time!