How to link your EA Account to Prime Gaming

Connect your EA Account to Prime Gaming to earn loot, rewards, and more.

Link your EA Account to Amazon

You can only link your EA Account to one Amazon account, so make sure to choose an Amazon account you’ll always have access to.

If you unlink your accounts, you can’t link to another Amazon account. 

If you’ve forgotten your Amazon email or password, you can try to recover your account on the Amazon website.

Before you link

Make sure your Amazon account is linked to the right EA Account or platform account before you claim rewards. 

Remember, your content will only be available on the first platform you log in to with your linked EA Account, so only claim rewards on the platform you want to play on. For example, if you log in on PC, you won’t be able to redeem content on console later.

How to link your accounts

  1. Go to Prime Gaming and click Sign In at the top of the page. Make sure you’re signed in to the Amazon account you want linked to your EA Account. 
  2. On the Prime Gaming home page, find the loot you want to claim and click Claim. You’ll be taken to a new page, where you’ll see all available, past, and future rewards.
  3. Click  Get in game-content on the reward you want.
  4. A screen will pop up showing Your Amazon Prime account information. Confirm it’s the right account. If it’s not, click Switch Amazon account to change to the correct account.
  5. Click Link account.
  6. You’ll be asked if you want to allow Electronic Arts to access your Amazon account. Click Allow.
  7. Click Return to Amazon
  8. Click Complete claim.

If you’ve followed these steps but are still having problems, check the Connections tab of your EA Account settings to make sure Prime Gaming is linked.

Didn’t get your rewards?

Three accounts have to be linked together correctly to get your rewards:

If any of these accounts are linked together incorrectly, your rewards will be sent to the wrong place. We can’t get your rewards back if they’ve been claimed on the wrong account or platform.

If all the right accounts are linked, you can try these steps to get your rewards.

  1. Open a new browser window in private or incognito mode. 
  2. Use this link to claim your content again. If it asks you to link your EA Account again, follow the steps above.
  3. Once you relink, any pending items should go to your linked account.

Unlink your accounts

  • If you’ve linked your EA Account to an Amazon account before, you won’t be able to link it to a new one. You can only relink your EA Account to the first Amazon account you linked to.
  • If you’ve recently relinked your EA and Amazon accounts, you can’t unlink them for the next six months.

  1. Go to your Connected Accounts in your EA Account settings. You may need to log in. 
  2. Find Amazon and click Unlink.

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