Create your EA Account

Use one of your existing accounts below, or start from the beginning.

United States of America

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I have read and accept the User Agreement and EA's Privacy and Cookie Policy.

I am the parent or guardian of the child who uses this account, and I confirm that I have read and accept the User Agreement and EA's Privacy and Cookie Policy regarding my child’s use of EA’s services.

Create Account


Please do not include personal identifying information when creating your Public ID, such as your real name.

Please do not use an email that contains your real name.



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I accept the User Agreement and understand EA's Privacy and Cookie Policy applies to my use of EA's services. I consent to any personal data collected through my use of EA’s services being transferred to EA in the United States, as further explained in the Privacy and Cookie Policy.

I am the parent or guardian of the child who uses this account, and I accept the User Agreement, and understand that EA's Privacy and Cookie Policy applies to my child’s use of EA's services. I consent to any personal data collected through my child’s use of EA’s services being transferred to EA in the United States, as further explained in the Privacy and Cookie Policy.