When you sign up for your EA Account, you accept the rules in our User Agreement and Positive Play Charter. These rules help keep our games fair and fun for everyone.
Certain games and services let you share user-generated content (UGC), including usernames, text chat, avatars, or other customizable assets. Always carefully consider what you share and who you share it with.
We take the safety of our players seriously. Learn more about how we moderate the content that players share in our games.
If you’d like to report harassment, cheating, and illegal content in a game, learn how to do that in our article.
Reports are processed by automation tools and sent to our dedicated team for review.
Our team looks into the context of each report before deciding whether it follows our rules and what action to take.
You’ll be updated on the outcome of your report by email, including whether EA took action.
For privacy reasons, we can’t share detailed information about our investigation or what actions we take on another player’s account.
If you get an email from us saying we didn’t take any action on your report, the case will be closed. The email will include information on what to do if you think we should’ve handled it differently.
Harassment and inappropriate content can be harassing, threatening, bullying, spamming, or any kind of unwanted behavior or content towards another player, EA employee, or representative.
For example, this could mean:
Illegal content includes content related to any of the following behaviors that violate the law:
Always follow the rules of conduct in EA’s User Agreement.
If you don’t play by the rules, we may issue warnings or a temporary suspension. In serious or illegal cases, we may permanently ban your EA Account without warning to protect our players and employees.
If you think we suspended, banned, or locked your account by mistake, you can find out how to submit an appeal in our article.