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How Squad Battles work in EA SPORTS FC™ Ultimate Team™

Learn all about Squad Battles in EA SPORTS FC™ Ultimate Team™ and discover how to earn Battle Points.

What is Squad Battles mode?

Squad Battles is an Ultimate Team™ mode where you take on AI-controlled Squads to earn Battle Points, move up the leaderboards, and earn rewards.

Weekly competition matches

Weekly competition matches are the matches you play each week that count towards your Battle Points score.

How do matches work in Squad Battles?

Matches are separated into weekly competition matches and other matches. Any matches you play after the weekly competition matches don’t contribute towards your weekly score, but you’ll still earn Coins and progress towards Objectives.

Squad Battles can be played cooperatively once you invite a player from your Friends List in the Ultimate Team™ Main Menu. The Lobby Captain selects the opponent and difficulty level, but both players earn Battle Points and Coins. If one of the two players in the Co-Op Lobby has no weekly competition matches left, neither player will earn Battle Points from the match.

Battle Points

What are Battle Points?

You earn Battle Points at the end of each of your Squad Battles matches each week, which make up your weekly competition matches. These points determine your Rank in the weekly Squad Battles competition.

If you choose to end a match early or skip one by refreshing, you won’t earn any Battle Points for that match.

Featured Squad Battles and Team of the Week Squads

Featured Squad Battles are special matches where you can play against Squads created by members of the EAS FC community, like real footballers or pro players. You can replay Featured Squads to improve your score.

Team of the Week (TOTW) Squads work like a Featured Squad. Each week you can compete against the TOTW to earn Battle Points.

The number of Battle Points you earn is based on whether you win or lose and the difficulty of the match.

Squad Battles ranking system

How does ranking in Squad Battles work?

In Squad Battles, the Battle Points you earn during the week determine your Rank. Each Rank holds a percentage of players competing in Squad Battles during the current weekly competition. To get the highest Rank you need to earn more Battle Points than all other players in the weekly competition.

Can I drop Ranks without playing?

Yes, you can. If you start off playing Squad Battles matches early in the week and earn a lot of Battle Points, you might initially be at the top. But if you stop playing throughout the rest of the week or earn fewer Battle Points, other players could outrank you.

How often do the leaderboards update?

The leaderboard updates approximately every five minutes.

When do I get my rewards?

You’ll get your rewards shortly after the event ends.

Is the leaderboard shared between platforms?

Yes. In EA SPORTS FC™, the Your Rank tab shows players on all platforms, regardless of whether you opted in to cross-play. You won’t see names listed in the leaderboard, but instead see groupings of brackets based on progression.

Note: The Nintendo Switch™ has separate leaderboards.

Opponent selection

Where do my opponents in Squad Battles come from?

Your CPU AI-controlled opponents in Squad Battles come from real Squads by other players in Ultimate Team™. These Squads were used by players in Squad Battles, Draft (Online and Offline), Ultimate Team™ Champions, and Rivals.

How does EAS FC choose my opponents?

At the start of each new Squad Battles competition or after an Opponent Update, EAS FC selects one Squad from each difficulty bucket: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Then, the game selects a fourth Squad from either the Easy or Medium buckets, with a 50% chance of the Squad coming from either bucket.

Your opponents can be players from any platform.

Squad refreshes

How do refreshes work in EA SPORTS FC™?

You’re in control of when you refresh Squads, so you can choose when you want to play your Squad Battles matches.

If you refresh but haven’t completed the four available matches, the unplayed matches will still count towards your competitive matches for the week.

Can I reset my refreshes?

No, if you refresh and skip matches that count towards your competitive matches for the week, you can’t get them back.

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