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Everything you need to know about the Pack Viewer and Item Stash features for managing Cartel Packs and items.

Open Pack Viewer by hovering over the Cartel Market icon and selecting Pack Explorer. You can also open the window by pressing Shift + P.

A red coral outline highlighting the Cartel Market icon in Star Wars The Old Republic.

There you’ll see all the Packs your character has available to open. If you have Hypercrates or Supercrates available, select them to see how many Packs you have.

The Pack Viewer screen, including the Ultimate Cartel Packi Star Wars The Old Republic.

To open a pack:

  1. Select Open Pack.
  2. Select Reveal All.
  3. If you want to open another pack, click Next Pack.

Otherwise, select Done to get back to the main Pack Viewer window.

A step by step GIF guide on opening a pack in Star Wars The Old Republic, including clicking Open Pack, clicking Reveal All, and completing the process with Done.

The items from the Pack go directly into your Item Stash and can be claimed by any Character in your Legacy.

The Item Stash makes storing your Cartel Pack items easy.

  • Items stack in Item Stash, even when they normally wouldn’t (weapons and mounts, for example).
    • These stacks hold up to 9,999 of each item.
  • Some items still won’t stack, but these are rare.
  • You have space for 500 stacks.
  • Unclaimed items can be pulled from the Item Stash by any Character in your Legacy.
  • The countdown timer on items begins when the item is withdrawn from Item Stash, not when the Pack is opened.
    • This means you can withdraw and use an item on any Character, right away.
    • You’ll still have to wait if you want to sell an item or trade it to a friend or guildmate.

Go to the Item Stash tab at the top of the Pack Viewer window to see what’s currently in your Item Stash.

A GIF of a player navigating the Pack Viewer window to explore the contents of their Item Stash in Star Wars The Old Republic.

Use the filter menus to sort through your unclaimed items by type or by rarity, quality, or quantity.

Choose an item or stack from the column on the left, and select the Claim button (or Claim Stack button) to move it (or the stack) into your inventory.

  • Only items from packs opened from Game Update 4.7: The Battle of Odessen onwards are stored in Item Stash.
  • If an item doesn’t normally stack, you’ll only be able to take items from the Item Stash stack one at a time.
  • If there are no slots free in the Item Stash and you open a new pack, you’ll get an error message warning you to make some room.
  • If you try to withdraw items from your Item Stash but don’t have enough room in your inventory, you’ll also get an error message asking you to free up some space.
  • Grand Chance cubes from opened packs move into the Pack Viewer tab.
    • You can open these on any character in your Legacy through Pack Viewer.
    • The items from Grand Chance cubes also go directly into your Item Stash.

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