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Find out how to link your GRID Legends account to an EA Account so you can play online.

When you start up GRID Legends for the first time, we’ll walk you through some steps to get the game set up to your liking—setting brightness, choosing your audio settings, and linking your game to an EA account for online play.

Link Account pop-up message with a button to link an active EA Account and play online.

  1. Choose Link Account.
  2. On the next screen, sign in to your EA Account. If you’ve already linked an EA Account to your Gamertag/PSN ID/Steam account, sign into that account to keep all your games together.
  3. If you don’t have an EA Account, choose Create Account, and follow the steps on-screen to create your EA Account.
  4. Once you’re signed in to your EA Account, you’ll see confirmation that you’ve successfully linked your account.

If you skip linking your account and choose Continue instead, you’ll still be able to do it later through the Options menu.

You must link your game to an EA Account to play in multiplayer or Hop In to your friends’ races.

  1. Open the Options menu.
  2. Choose Gameplay, then Online, then EA Account Management.
  3. Link or create EA Account button in the Online tab of the Gameplay menu.

  4. On the next screen, sign in to your EA Account. If you’ve already linked an EA Account to your Gamertag/PSN ID/Steam account, sign in to that account to keep all your games together.
  5. If you don’t have an EA Account, choose Create Account, and follow the steps on-screen to create your EA Account.
  6. Once you’re signed in to your EA Account, you’ll see confirmation that you’ve successfully linked your account.

RaceNet is your hub for tracking your stats and getting all the latest GRID news.

Find out how to connect your game to RaceNet in this article.

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