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Learn if your PC meets the minimum requirements to play The Sims Legacy Edition and how to restore old save files.

Included Packs PC requirements What’s new?

Experiencing technical issues playing The Sims: Legacy Edition? Read our article for help with troubleshooting, launching, and common issues.

The Sims: Legacy Collection includes The Sims, The Sims 4: Throwback Fit Kit, and the following The Sims packs:

  • The Sims: Livin’ Large
  • The Sims: House Party
  • The Sims: Hot Date
  • The Sims: Vacation
  • The Sims: Unleashed
  • The Sims: Superstar
  • The Sims: Makin’ Magic.
  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Processor (CPU): CPU: i3 3220, Ryzen 3 1200, AMD FX6300
  • Memory (RAM): 4GB
  • Hard drive (free space): 16GB available space
  • Graphics card (video):
    • GPU: NVIDIA: GTX 600 series or later
    • AMD: Radeon HD 7000 series or later
    • Intel HD Graphics 620 series or later

The Sims was re-released to celebrate 25 years of the franchise. This re-released version of the first game in the franchise is updated to run on modern computers and operating systems. The Sims has been rebuilt, but the gameplay and graphics remain true to the original games, keeping the nostalgia and gameplay experience the same as when it first launched.

Key updates and differences:

  • it can now run on Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • now uses the Vulkan graphics engine
  • updates to support widescreen monitors
  • higher quality textures on buildings, objects, and other in-game objects.

Bugs that could be fixed safely and without changing the game's design have been fixed. Bugs that could introduce major risks when fixed weren’t addressed.

How to change the playable window size in The Sims 1

The Sims 1 launches on your primary monitor in full-screen mode. It will scale the game user interface and some in-game screens (like the neighborhood map) to help the lower-resolution graphics look as crisp as possible.

Here’s how to enter windowed mode:

  1. Press Alt + Enter to enter windowed mode and drop to the native resolution (where 1 pixel of art is 1 pixel on your monitor).
  2. Each press of Alt + Enter increases the scale size.
    • The last size is full screen, but with window decorations. This might cause some parts of the game to be clipped to fit within the window.

Will old The Sims 1 save files work with this version?

Yes, any old save files you still have for The Sims 1 will work with the current version as long as they’re not corrupted. Corrupted saves can cause the game to not function properly, have things missing, or crash.

The save paths for The Sims 1 have changed so you’ll need to copy your save files into the new location.

First, remove current saved files:

  1. Go to Saved Games in your Windows account folder.
  2. Open the Electronic Arts folder.
  3. Click on The Sims 25 folder (this is your save folder) and select Cut.
  4. Paste this folder to a different location and rename it so you know it’s your alternate save file.

To import your old save file:

  1. Rename your old save file folder The Sims 25.
  2. Go to Saved Games in your Windows account folder.
  3. Open the Electronic Arts folder.
  4. Copy The Sims 25 folder into the Electronic Arts folder.

Will Mods still work with The Sims 1?

Mods capability for The Sims 1 remains the same. Maxis hasn’t tested Mods, and doesn’t support Mods. It’ll be up to individual Mod creators to ensure Mods work with the new version of The Sims 1.

For more info on Mods and The Sims, check out our policy on Mods.

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