Here’s what you need to know about pre-ordering games on the EA app, including billing and cancellation details.

  1. Search for the game you want to pre-order on the EA app Store, then select it.
  2. Choose Select Edition. You’ll be taken to a page with more info about the bonus content that comes with each pre-order edition.
  3. Choose the edition you want to buy.
  4. Follow the payment instructions to complete your purchase.

You’ll be charged immediately after placing your order. Make sure your payment method is up to date on your account.

You’ll get an email confirming you pre-order, and another email when your game comes out. You can check the status of your pre-order in your account settings on

You can cancel pre-orders and request a refund any time before the game’s release.

  1. Log in to the EA Account Settings portal.
  2. Select Order History.
  3. Find your pre-order and select the plus sign (+) to expand it.
  4. Under the Status column, select Cancel.

Heads up: if you cancel your pre-order and buy the game after it launches, you’ll lose any pre-order bonus content that comes with it.

If you pre-ordered from another retailer

If you’ve pre-ordered your game from another retailer, contact them to find out how to cancel your pre-order.

If you’re a member of EA Play Pro

If you pre-ordered a game that’s included in EA Play Pro, you can cancel it and get a refund any time before the game launches.

Remember: if you cancel your membership and haven’t bought the game separately, you’ll lose access to it until you become an EA Play Pro member again or buy the game.

Not a member of EA Play yet? If you become an EA Play Pro member, you can choose to cancel your pre-order or get a refund on pre-ordered games that are included in the service.

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