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EA app not working? Here are some ways to fix common error codes you might get while installing or running the EA app.

If you run into issues while installing the EA app, try reinstalling it using the steps below.

  1. Restart your PC or Mac.
  2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  3. Download the EA app on ea.com.
  4. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.

Learn more about how to download, install, and update the EA app.

INST-18-4103 - Incorrect hash value


The installer might have been downloaded incorrectly.


Redownload and reinstall the EA app.

INST-14-1603 - Unknown fatal error


Something went wrong during your installation. 


If you’re using a PC:

  1. Manually install any missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables from the official Microsoft website.
  2. Restart your PC.
  3. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, and download the EA app on ea.com.
  4. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.

If you’re using a Mac, redownload and reinstall the EA app.

INST-3-1920 - Failed to start background service


The game management service was successfully installed, but it wasn't able to start. 


Try reinstalling the EA app using these steps.

  1. Restart your PC or Mac.
  2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, and download the EA app on ea.com.
  3. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.

INST-14-1460 - Local operation timeout


If you’re using a PC, this error means that there was an error when trying to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables.


Try these steps to solve the issue:

  1. Manually install any missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables from the official Microsoft website.
    • If you’re not sure which Redistributables are missing, you can try installing all Redistributable packages under Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022. You’ll get a notification on your screen if a  package is already installed.
  2. Restart your PC.
  3. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, and download the EA app on ea.com.
  4. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.

INST-21-1152 - Installer already running


The EA app installer is already running.


If you get a prompt requesting permission for the EA app to make changes to your device:

  • On PC: Select Yes.
  • On Mac:You might have to enter your password before selecting OK or Allow.

If that doesn’t solve your issue, try reinstalling the EA app.

  1. Restart your PC or Mac.
  2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, and download the EA app on ea.com.
  3. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.

INST-14-12002 - Network timeout or INST-14-12029 - Connection failed


There’s a network connection issue.


Try reinstalling the EA app using these steps.

  1. Restart your PC or Mac.
  2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, and download the EA app on ea.com.
  3. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.
  4. If that doesn’t work, try again later.

INST-14-1601 - Windows Installer Service missing


If you’re using a PC, the EA app installer relies on the Windows Installer Service. 

The service may be unavailable and there may be a problem with your system configuration.


Head over to Microsoft Support to look for a solution.

INST-21-577 - Signature validation error


There’s an issue with the EA app installer's self-integrity check. This could be because of tampering or a file write error.


Try reinstalling the EA app using these steps.

  1. Restart your PC or Mac.
  2. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, and download the EA app on ea.com.
  3. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.

INST 14-5 - Access denied


A problem with your system configuration may be blocking some of the steps in the installation process.

PC solution 

  1. In File Explorer, type C:\ProgramData\Package Cache in the address bar and hit Enter.
  2. Right-click on the folder and select Properties.
  3. Select the Security tab.
  4. Select Advanced.
  5. Make sure the Owner is set to Administrators.
  6. If not, select Change.
  7. Type Administrators and select OK.

Mac solution 

Check if Apple has blocked the installation in error.

  1. Open System Settings and select Privacy & Security.
  2. Scroll down to the Security section, and check your settings under the Allow applications downloaded from section.
  3. If there’s a notification in this section saying that the installation of EA app was blocked, select Open Anyway.

Learn more about opening apps safely on your Mac over on Apple Support.

INST-14-1612 - Installation source missing


There was an issue when trying to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables.


  1. Manually install any missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables packages from the official Microsoft website.
    • If you’re not sure which Redistributables are missing, you can try installing all Redistributable packages under Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022. You’ll get a notification on your screen if a package is already installed.
  2. Restart your PC
  3. Make sure you have a stable internet connection, and download the EA app on ea.com.
  4. Run the new installer and follow the instructions.

EC:10701 - Communication error


This usually means that the EA app wasn’t able to run on port 3216, the computer port that allows the EA app to launch. 

PC solution 

First, restart your PC and try relaunching the EA app. If that doesn’t work, follow these steps.

  1. In the search box on the taskbar or after you click Start, type “control panel,” and select Control Panel.
  2. Go to Network & Internet.
  3. Select Show available networks.
  4. Disable all your virtual network adapters (e.g., Hyper-V, TAP-Windows, VMware) and VPN.
  5. Restart the EA app and run your game.

Mac solution 

First, restart your Mac and try relaunching the EA app. If that doesn’t work, follow these steps.

  1. If Origin is still installed on your device, make sure it’s fully closed.
  2. Open Security Settings and select Network.
  3. Disable all your virtual network adapters and VPN.
  4. Restart the EA app and run your game.

If you’re still having issues, you can investigate whether another application is interfering with the port:

  1. In Spotlight Search, type “terminal”.
  2. Enter the following command “sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | grep :3216”.
  3. Enter your password if requested.

You’ll see which applications are using port 3216. Any applications other than EADesktop need to be closed. 

If you see your applications in the Dock, you can quit them by control-clicking the application and selecting Quit

If you don’t see your applications in the Dock, follow these steps:

  1. In Spotlight Search, type “activity monitor”.
  2. In Activity Monitor, select the application you want to quit.
  3. Click the X button at the top of the toolbar.
  4. Select Force Quit.

EC:20:403 - Origin error code


This error happens because Origin is no longer available for Windows.


Install the EA app to play games on PC.

EC: 10000 - EA Account issue


Your EA Account can’t be authenticated. 


  1. Make sure your internet connection is stable. If you’re having issues, troubleshoot your connection.
  2. Check that your login details are correct. 
  3. If you can’t access your email or have forgotten your password, troubleshoot access to your EA Account. 

EC: 109 - App files are corrupted


The EA app can’t launch because some files are corrupt or have been deleted.


Delete the EA app and redownload it from ea.com.

If you’re still having problems with the EA app, our servers could be down.

If you didn’t find the error code you’re looking for or you still can’t start your game in the EA app, submit a report using the EA Error Reporter.

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