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Read our Apex Legends beginner’s guide for essential game info and tips on how to play.

What is Apex Legends? How to play Where to start Who are the Legends? Currencies Guns and weapons Tips for beginners More help

Apex Legends is a free-to-play† Battle Royale shooter. You play as a Legend and fight against other teams in the Apex Games.

There are six main game modes you can choose from.

  • Training: learn at your own pace with basic training.
  • Bot Royale: play against bots. You can play alone, join a squad of bots, or play in a premade squad with friends.
  • Battle Royale: compete to be the last squad or player standing on the map. Play in pairs, groups of three, or queue to be a solo player.
    • Duos: 30 squads of two players.
    • Trios: 20 squads of three players.
    • Duos and Trios can be played Solo by unchecking Fill Teammates above the Ready button.
    • Ranked: match with players of a similar skill level, climb the ladder, and earn rewards based on performance. You need to be Level 50 or higher to access it.
  • Firing range: a practice area where you can test out weapons, ammo, and new Legends.
  • Mixtape: a rotating playlist of some of the fan-favorite modes. Modes rotate every hour.
  • Private Match: invite up to 60 players and five observers to a standard game. Private Match requires cross-play and doesn’t earn you XP or other progression.

Welcome Pass

When you first start playing Apex Legends, you get access to the Welcome Pass, where you complete Welcome Challenges to earn rewards. You can complete Welcome Challenges in the standard game mode or play against bots in Bot Royale.

As you progress through the Welcome Pass, you’ll unlock additional Legends: Bloodhound, Gibraltar, and Pathfinder. Once you’ve completed the Welcome Pass, you’ll get 12,000 Legends Tokens so you can unlock any Legend of your choice.

Bot Royale

Want to learn the basics of how to play? Bot Royale lets you play against squads of bots on a smaller map while you learn how the game works.

You can play alone or with a squad. If you want to play in a team, you can join a squad of bots or play with a premade squad.

You’ll gain XP until you reach Level 10. You can’t earn badges in Bot Royale.

Does Apex Legends have Cross Progression and cross-play?

Yes. Cross Progression and cross-play are automatically turned on in Apex Legends. You can’t opt out of Cross Progression.

Legends are the playable characters in Apex Legends. When you start playing Apex Legends, three Legends are unlocked: Bangalore, Lifeline, and Wraith.

You can unlock four more legends (Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Pathfinder, and one more of your choice) by completing the Welcome Pass.

Who’s the best Apex Legend?

No Legend is the best. Legends are equally matched in the Ring, but they belong to different classes with different strengths and weaknesses. To play at your best, find a class and a Legend that matches your playstyle.

There are five classes to choose from.

Assault Legends

Pick an Assault Legend if you like to fight up close.

  • Bangalore
  • Fuse
  • Ash
  • Mad Maggie
  • Ballistic

These Legends carry more ammo per ammo stack and can access the secret compartment of Supply Bins.

Skirmisher Legends

Pick a Skirmisher Legend if you like to play fast.

  • Pathfinder
  • Wraith
  • Octane
  • Revenant
  • Horizon
  • Valkyrie
  • Alter

Skirmishers can get in and out of fights more quickly than other Legends, and they can also spot incoming Care Packages.

Recon Legends

Pick a Recon Legend if you want to play strategically.

  • Bloodhound
  • Crypto
  • Seer
  • Vantage

Recon Legends take less time to scan Survey Beacons, and their location isn’t revealed when they scan them. Scanning a Survey Beacon scans a large radius around them and reveals enemy positions three times per scan.

Recon Legends also get threat vision while aiming down sights, although this can be blocked by smoke, walls, and range.

Controller Legends

Pick a Controller Legend if you want to trap enemies and defend your area.

  • Caustic
  • Wattson
  • Rampart
  • Catalyst

Controllers can use Ring Consoles to find the next Ring location. When Controllers play inside the Ring, their shields get an extra 25HP overcharge. This bonus is removed when they leave the Ring.

Controllers can also pick up their traps and other nearby placeables remotely by looking back at them and pressing a button.

Support Legends

Pick a Support Legend if you want to help your squad.

  • Gibraltar
  • Lifeline
  • Mirage
  • Loba
  • Newcastle
  • Conduit

Support Legends can move faster while healing, and their revive speed is higher.

If you have a Support Legend on your team, Mobile Respawn Beacons will always spawn in ally deathboxes. If you can get the banner from their deathbox, you’ll also find a Mobile Respawn Beacon to bring them back to the match.

How to unlock Legends in Apex Legends

You can unlock or get new Legends in the store. You need 12,000 Legend Tokens to unlock a new Legend or 750 Apex Coins to get one. The only way to get Legend Tokens is by leveling up.

How to customize your Legends

  1. Go to the Legends tab.
  2. Select the Legend you want to customize.
  3. Sort by Skins, Banners, Emote Wheel, or Finishers. There will be a red dot indicating any new customizations you’ve unlocked.
  4. Scroll down and click on the customization to try it on.
  5. Select Equip (or double-click) to add it to your Legend, or Unlock to acquire it with Crafting Materials.

There are five currencies in Apex Legends: Apex Coins, Crafting Metals, Legend Tokens, Heirloom Shards, and Exotic Shards.

You can use different currencies for different things, like:

  • getting items from the Apex Store
  • crafting things like skins and weapons
  • getting new Legends
  • customize your weapons.

Learn more about Apex Legends items, currencies, and crafting.

Guns are your main weapon in Apex Legends. You can also use throwable items like grenades.

Check out our guns and weapons guide for help getting started in the Ring.

Here’s what you need to know as an Apex Legends beginner. Once you’ve mastered these skills, check out our tips for more experienced players.

Need help picking the best settings for your game? Check out our guide for PC players.

1. Learn the best way to drop.

The drop is one of the most important tactical moments in the game. Your squad’s Jumpmaster controls the speed and direction of the drop, and they choose where you’ll land. Here are some tips for being the Jumpmaster.

  • For your first few rounds, stay near the Jumpmaster when they launch until they get close to the ground. This way you can learn the map and avoid setting your team up for trouble.
  • If you’re chosen as the Jumpmaster in one of your earlier rounds, Relinquish it to pass it to someone else who knows the map better.
  • Once you’re ready to be the Jumpmaster, make sure to watch for enemies landing in similar areas. Change course if you see enemy units landing near you or ping a suggestion to your Jumpmaster. The colorful smoke trails behind your enemies will show you where they’re landing.
  • Try to land at a specific landmark on the map. These areas usually hold a lot of loot and Supply Bins so you can stock up on weapons, ammo, and more. Without a weapon, all you can do is punch, which makes you an easy target to kill.
  • Try to land at a location where nobody else is going. You can do this by choosing a target further away. If you land somewhere empty, you’ll have a better chance of getting loot without a fight.
    • When lots of players land at the same location, this is called a hot drop. You’re more likely to get killed early if lots of players land in the same location.
    • A player drops into Apex Legends with a red box around the Relinquish button.

2. Communicate with your squad.

Apex Legends has an efficient ping system that lets you share important information quickly without needing to type or use a microphone. To access the ping system, hold down the mouse wheel on PC or the right bumper on console. Use ping to:

  • alert your team to enemy positions
  • tell your team about loot locations
  • guide your team in your direction.
  • The ping system in Apex Legends.

3. Fill up your inventory and swap it often.

While you play, keep stocking up on loot from the ground, Supply Bins, or eliminated player bins. Look out for:

  • weapons and matching ammo
    • Remember, your ammo has to match the type of weapon you have. Pick up ammo that matches your weapon’s color.
  • weapon attachments
  • shield cells and shield batteries which restore your shields
  • syringes and med kits which restore your health
  • bigger backpacks that let you pick up even more items.

These will keep you prepared and safe from incoming damage, enhance your performance, and help recover your health as you go.

For more info on items and match terms, check out our guide of key Apex Legends terms.

Apex Legends ammo types with examples of matching color guns. Light is brown, Heavy is blue, Energy is green, Shotgun is red, and Sniper is purple.

4. Keep your health up and shield charged.

Always make sure you stock up on:

  • med kits to restore health
  • shield cells to restore your shields
  • a knockdown shield to protect yourself and block damage for a temporary amount of time.
    • Remember, you can only use knockdown shields when you’re knocked down. You can use them to help your teammates revive you.

If you’re knocked out and don’t get revived in time, you can respawn until round 4 of the Ring closing if one of your squadmates is in play. There’s a timer that shows when you’ll respawn nearby a safe teammate.

5. Learn to move fast.

Apex Legends is a fast-moving game, and you want to be able to get around the map as quickly as possible.

Always make sure to:

  • holster your weapon any time you’re running, especially if it’s to get into the Ring
  • slide down any hills or declines
  • sprint, not walk
  • use launch pads and zip lines to get around the map faster.

6. Always have grenades on hand.

If you’re following tip #3, your inventory should already be bursting at the seams, but make sure you always have at least one grenade on hand.

Grenades can be used strategically to:

  • get enemies out of cover
  • deal damage from afar
  • buy time if you need to retreat or gain high ground.
  • An Apex Legends player holding a grenade in their hand.

7. Stick with your squad and stay in the Ring.

While it can be tempting to wander off and explore all there is to see on the map, early on you should try to stick as close to your squad as possible. This prevents other teams from ambushing you where you won’t be able to ping for help.

If you ever fall behind, check the map to see where your team is, and use a Zip Up Balloon to jet pack closer to them. This is also effective if the Ring is closing in and you’re too far away to sprint there.

If you ever fall behind, check the map to see where your team is and use a Zip Up Balloon to jet pack closer to them. This is also effective if the Ring is closing in and you’re too far away to sprint there.

8. Who’s the best Apex Legend for beginners?

If you’re a beginner, we suggest focusing on two or three of your favorites to play as first so you can master their abilities. This also ensures that if another player chooses the Legend you want, you still have a few other go-to options you feel familiar with.

Not sure who to pick? These are our picks for the best Legends to play as a beginner:

Ready to try out different Legends? Find out more about the Legends and their abilities.

†Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. Includes in-game purchases.

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