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Follow these steps to toggle aim assist on and off in Apex Legends.

For first-person shooters (FPS), oftentimes the line between a win and a loss comes down to who has the better aim. This couldn’t be more true for a game like Apex Legends, where the last Legend standing wins.

If you’re playing on PC, the mouse and keyboard can give an advantage over console players, so aim assist exists to help better balance the game out for cross-play.

Aim assist should automatically be turned on, so if you want to turn it off or turn it back on, here’s how.

  1. Go to the Settings menu.
  2. Go to the Controller tab.
  3. Scroll down and click Advanced Look Controls…
  4. Find Target Compensation and toggle it to On or Off.
  5. Turn Melee Target Compensation On or Off, depending on how you’d like aim assist in melee attacks.

Like most FPS’s, the aim assist setting in Apex Legends helps level the playing field amongst console and PC players, since PC players have a slight advantage using their mouse and keyboard over those who use a controller while playing on their consoles.

We recommend console players turn on aim assist for both shooting and melee attacks to compete on an equal footing with PC players.

If you’re new to Apex Legends or FPS—whether on PC or console—we recommend starting with aim assist on until you get a better feel for the game. Experienced players may benefit by turning it off if they feel they are scoring more kills without it. If you want to get a feel of playing without aim assist, head to the Firing Range and practice playing the game without it.

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