How to download your games in the EA app

Learn how to download games to your library in the EA app on PC or Mac.

Moved from Origin to the EA app on Mac? You’ll use the same account to log in to the EA app that you used to log in to Origin. Since all purchases are linked to your account, you can download any games you bought on Origin through the EA app.

When you move to the EA app from Origin on a Mac device, you'll still only be able to buy and download games that are compatible with Mac.

Here's more info on what happens to your account and games after you move from Origin to the EA app.

How to download games to your Library

When you buy a digital version of a game or downloadable content (DLC) for a game through the EA app, it's automatically added to your Library.

  1. Launch the EA app.
  2. Log in to your EA Account.
  3. Go to Library.
  4. Find the game that you want to download and click the arrow in the bottom-right corner.
  5. The game tile in My Library will show a downward facing arrow at the bottom to start downloading the game.

  6. Confirm your Install location and Language preferences, then click Next.
  7. Read and accept the EA Terms of Play.
  8. Click Download.

You can also add games you buy outside of the EA app, including physical copies. Learn how to redeem product and promo codes in the EA app.

Can’t find your game? Use these steps to find what’s missing from your Library.

Why did I get an error that too many computers have accessed my game recently?

Getting this error message? Too many computers have accessed this account’s version of [game title] recently. Please try again later.

As mentioned in our Terms of Service, you can only install your game on up to five computers within a 24-hour period. Using a different computer, changing the hardware in your current computer, or using a virtual machine to play can all count as a new computer.

If you got this error message, it means you’ve exceeded this allowance and installed your game on more than five computers within a 24-hour period. It may take up to 24 hours before you’re able to relaunch the game.

How to keep games downloading in the background

You can automatically update your games by turning on game updates and enabling background services. This lets the EA app download queued games, even when it’s closed.

Here’s how to turn on these features and allow games to download in the background:

  1. On PC: Select the menu icon (it looks like 3 horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the app and select Application settings.
    On Mac: Select EA app from the menu bar (next to the Apple symbol) in the top-left corner of your screen and select Settings.
  2. Select the Download tab.
  3. In the Updates section, toggle the switches next to Update games automatically and Enable background downloads.

The Updates section in the Download tab of the EA app Settings.

How to find advanced launch options in the EA app

  1. Select the three-dot menu in the top right-hand corner of the game tile.
  2. Select View Properties to see the advanced launch options.

The game tile's 3 dot menu shows play, view properties, repair, and uninstall options.

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