How to rotate objects in The Sims 4

Learn how to rotate and turn items in The Sims 4 Build Mode.

A coral PC icon.


To rotate using your mouse on PC:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. With the object selected, right-click to rotate the object 45°.
  4. Keep right-clicking until the object faces the direction you want.
  5. Left-click to place the object.

In-game view of a desk with a lamp and sunflowers highlighted in green. A graphic of a mouse instructs to right-click to rotate the objects.

To rotate using your keyboard on PC:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. With the object selected, use the period key to rotate clockwise, or the comma key to rotate counter-clockwise. This will rotate the object 45°.
  4. Left-click to place the object.

In-game view of a speaker on a coffee table highlighted in green. Instructions show to use the period key to rotate the speaker clockwise and the comma key to rotate it counter-clockwise.

What if I’m using The Sims 3 Camera?

If you have The Sims 3 Camera setting enabled on PC, rotating objects will be slightly different.

To rotate using your mouse on PC:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. Using the mouse, left-click and hold the object.
  4. While holding, move the mouse to rotate the object.
  5. Let go of the left mouse button when the object is facing the direction you want.

To rotate using your keyboard on PC:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. Using the mouse, left-click and hold the object.
  4. While holding with the mouse, use the period and comma keys to rotate the object.
  5. Let go of the left mouse button when the object is facing the direction you want.
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A coral console controller icon.

On console

To rotate on PlayStation:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. Press R1 to rotate an object clockwise, or R2 to rotate an object counter-clockwise.
  4. To place it, let go of R1 and R2 when the object is facing the direction you want.

To rotate on Xbox:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. Press RB to rotate an object clockwise, or LB to rotate an object counter-clockwise.
  4. To place it, let go of RB and LB when the object is facing the direction you want.

A coral laptop icon.

On Mac

To rotate using your mouse on Mac:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. With the object selected, click the right mouse button.
  4. Now press the right key on your keyboard to rotate the object 45°.
  5. Click the left mouse button to place the object.

To rotate using your keyboard on Mac:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. With the object selected, use the period key to rotate clockwise, or the comma key to rotate anti-clockwise. This will rotate the object 45°.
  4. Click the left mouse button to place the object.

How to rotate objects freely in The Sims 4

If you want to make more subtle rotations when building, you can rotate freely. This only works when you’re rotating using the mouse, not the keyboard.

To do this on PC and Mac:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. Using the mouse, left-click and hold the object.
  4. Hold down the ALT key as you move the mouse, turning the object.
  5. Let go of the left mouse button when the object is facing the direction you want.

Tip: Holding down the ALT key will also let you place an object freely, so it won’t snap to the grid. Using the Move Objects cheat also helps you place objects freely, even if they overlap.

How to rotate freely on PlayStation:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. Hold down L1 and R1, and rotate the item using the Right Analog Stick.
  4. Let go when the object is facing the direction you want.

How to rotate freely on Xbox:

  1. Open Build Mode.
  2. Select the object you want to place.
  3. Hold down LB and RB, and rotate the item using the Right Analog Stick.
  4. Let go when the object is facing the direction you want.

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