Your EA ID is how you’re known in your games, on our websites, and on our forums at EA Forums. Your EA ID is the same as your Public ID and is set up when you create your EA Account.
Learn more about how to find your EA ID in this YouTube video.
To help keep your EA Account secure, we limit how often you can update your EA ID. You can only update your EA ID once every 30 days.
Getting an error message? You might already have an EA Account.
Find out what you can do if you think you might have a duplicate account.
An error message will appear while creating your EA ID if it’s already taken by another EA Account user or the security filter flags the combination of letters, words, or special characters as inappropriate.
For player safety, an EA ID also can’t contain a name or any other identifying information. To proceed, you’ll need to come up with a unique identifier.
Follow our video guide on YouTube or create your EA Account here.
Depending on your region, parents or guardians might need to create a child or teen account.
When you finish setting up your EA Account, follow these extra steps to help protect your gaming experience.