Make even more of an impact on the Battlefield by banding together with your friends in Platoons.

The most successful players on the Battlefield play the objective and work well with others. With the Battlefield 1 Spring Update, we’ve introduced Platoons to help you get the most out of team play. 

  • Use the Shield icon on the main menu (on the left) in-game to access Platoons.
  • Any player can create a Platoon, and you can join up to ten Platoons.
    • You can only represent one Platoon at any time, choose which one you represent by clicking on it and then selecting Represent Platoon.  To stop representing a Platoon, choose Stop Representing in the Platoon settings.
    • You can see which Platoon you’re representing by checking opening Platoon menu and looking at the tiles to see which one shows Representing.
    • Pending Platoon applications count as memberships – if you’re not hearing back on an application you may want to cancel it so you can join another Platoon.
  • You can only be a General (the highest rank, and the one automatically given to the Platoon creator) of one Platoon. 

If you’re the General, you can demote yourself and promote another player to General in your place. You’ll need to do this if you ever want to leave the Platoon you created.

You may also want to do this to keep things running smoothly if you know you won’t have time to play for a while.

  • Platoons have a maximum of 100 members.
    • You can create additional Platoons using the same name, emblem, and description – but with a different General – if you want to have a bigger membership.
  • All representing members of a Platoon display the Platoon’s name and emblem.
  • If members of a Platoon group together in a squad, the squad will automatically take on the Platoon name.  
    • If your Platoon contributed the most to a flag capture (with at least 2 platoon members present) a pennant displaying your Platoon emblem will be shown on the flag pole. 
  • General – The leader and often the founding member of a Platoon. This is the highest rank and has access to all Platoon settings. The General can change the name, the emblem, or even disband their Platoon.
  • Colonel – Second-in-command, the Colonel has access to most Platoon settings, including editing the description, emblem and membership access type.
  • Lieutenant – Rank and file officers, Lieutenants can approve and reject membership applications (if those are required in your Platoon), and can link their rental servers to the Platoon.
  • Private -  A Private is a standard member of the Platoon and does not have any access to Platoon management settings. 

Check the Find Platoon section to browse through existing Platoons, or to search for a Platoon by name. We will sometimes recommend Platoons to you if your friends are already members.

You can also browse through recruiting platoons in the Battlefield 1 Platoons forum thread.

Check the access type for your chosen Platoon to find out how easy it will be for you to join. Some Platoons accept all applicants, some may be closed if they’ve reached their 100-member cap, and some might want you to complete an application. 

To leave a Platoon:

  1. Open the Platoons menu.
  2. Choose Your Platoons.
  3. Choose the tile of the Platoon you want to leave.
  4. Select More
  5. Choose Leave Platoon.

Want to become a General?

Go to Your Platoons or the FindPlatoon section, and click on the Create Platoon button. 

We’ll ask you to set up these things:

  • Name – You must choose a name for your Platoon before you can create it. Your Platoon name must be between 3-24 characters long and does not have to be unique.
  • Tag – Choose a tag for your Platoon, this must contain 1-4 alphanumeric (letters or numbers) characters.  Tags do not have to be unique.
  • Description – Descriptions are optional and can be up to 256 characters long. Use this to describe your Platoon.
  • Emblem – Choose an emblem from your personal gallery to set as the Platoon emblem. Once you’ve set this, changing your personal emblem won’t affect it. 

Platoon names and tags must pass the profanity filter to be allowed.

Emblems that breach our Terms of Service or Rules of Conduct are not allowed. 

  • Access Type – Choose how other players join your Platoon:
    • Open – Anyone can join the Platoon, instantly.
    • Apply to join – Anyone can apply to join, Platoon members with permissions can approve or reject applications.
    • Closed – No-one can join a Closed Platoon. If you’ve reached 100 members, it’s a good idea to set your Platoon to Closed.
  • Once you have everything set, click the Create button.

Managing your Platoon

  1. Choose your Platoon in the Platoons menu.
  2. Choose Manage

From here you can check on Applications, change your Platoon information, set or change your emblem or (if you’re the General) disband your Platoon. 

This is just the start of what we have planned for Platoons, we wanted to get you all started with the basics first and we’ll build on this foundation in the future.

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