Learn more about Connection Quality and how it affects the quality of your online gameplay experience and responsiveness in EA SPORTS FC™.

When you push a button during an EA SPORTS FC™ online match, it sends a game data packet from your home network to an EA SPORTS FC™ Game Data Center. Once we receive it, the data packet travels back to trigger the corresponding in-game action.

Any delays and interruptions during this process can cause lag, visual stuttering, or a full disconnection. You may notice the game becoming less responsive.

Measuring that trip—and the thousands of other game data packet trips that take place during every applicable EAS FC Online Match—is how we understand and measure Connection Quality.

Game data packets travel through three key stages:

  • Your personal network: Game data packets travel through your personal network before they leave your home and travel over the internet. You have the most control over your personal network, like if you’re using an ethernet (wired) or WiFi (wireless) connection.
  • The internet: Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) influences this part of the trip. While you don’t have direct control over how an ISP works, you may have the ability to choose between various ISPs in your area.
  • EA SPORTS FC™ Game Data Centers: Game data packets end the first leg of their trip at EA SPORTS FC™ Game Data Centers, then begin the return leg back to your console or PC. For more on how Game Data Centers work, check out our FAQ.

We measure Connection Quality using three core metrics, which together create the Connection Score. The Connection Score makes it easier to understand and compare different metrics for overall Connection Quality.

To measure "fast", we use ping.

Ping measures the time it takes for game data to be sent from your console or PC to the EA SPORTS FC™ Game Data Centers and back.

To measure "reliable", we use packet loss.

Packet loss measures the number, or percentage, of game data packets that fail to make the round trip.

To measure "consistent", we use jitter.

Jitter measures the changes to your ping values over time.

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