If you’ve lost your data, stats, or progress in your EA mobile game, try our troubleshooting steps to see if you can get your stuff back.

If your mobile game is linked to a Facebook, Game Center, or Google Play account, your game progress should be backed up and saved to that account. Try these steps to see if it brings your content back.

  1. Check for app updates and install any that are available.
  2. Restart your device.
  3. Log out and log back in to your game.
  4. Try logging in to your account on another device if you have one.
  5. Uninstall and reinstall your game. Only do this if you’ve backed your game up to a linked account, or you could lose all your game data permanently.
    • If you aren’t sure if you’ve linked to an account, skip this step.
  6. If you linked your game to Google Play or GameCenter, go into your device’s settings and remove your account, then launch the game and log in again manually.

When your game isn’t linked to an account, you’re playing your game anonymously.

Without linking to an account, you don’t have a way to backup your game saves anywhere other than to your device. If something happens to your mobile device, or the app itself, you may not be able to get your game progress back.

If your game isn’t linked, you can try these steps to see if you can get back into your game.

  1. Check for app updates and install any that are available.
  2. Restart your device.

Heads-up: We cannot recover lost accounts for NBA LIVE Mobile at this time.

  • For troubleshooting, check out our steps for Android and iOS.
  • Check out Answers HQ to get help from other players and chat with the community.
  • Keep an eye on @EAHelp for everything from outage info to news about the game.
  • Subscribe to EA Help on YouTube for video walkthroughs and guides.

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