Need to tweak a few settings to run your game smoothly? Learn how to enable a frames-per-second (FPS) counter to gauge PC performance.

Enabling an FPS counter can help you troubleshoot and optimize your PC settings for a smooth gaming experience, especially if you’re playing on an older device. Here are three ways you can do this:

  1. In-game
  2. Using a command line
  3. Using a third-party tool or platform

Apex Legends

In Apex Legends, you can turn on the FPS counter from your in-game settings.

Battlefield games

In every Battlefield game, you can view data about game performance, network connectivity, and server details, including an FPS counter. These data points show up by default and appear in-game until they’re turned off. Here’s how to toggle these data points on and off:

  1. Click on the Options menu.
  2. Select Networking.
  3. Choose which data points to turn on or off.

F1® 23

In F1® 23, you can view an FPS counter when you run a test in Benchmark Mode but not during regular gameplay. Here’s how to run a benchmark test:

  1. Click on Options from the main menu.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Select Graphics Settings.
  4. Select Benchmark Mode.
  5. Click Run Benchmark Test.

A command line is a text-based interface that lets you enter commands for your computer to execute. EA games that use the Frostbite engine have a command line function built in. Here’s how to use it to turn the FPS counter on and off in your game:

  1. Open the command console on your computer by pressing the [ ~ ] key. (This key might not work for some locales. If this happens, try setting the keyboard on Windows to EN-US, or changing the input source to English-US on Mac.)
  2. To turn the FPS counter on, enter the following command and press enter: PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
  3. To turn the FPS counter off, enter the following command and press enter: PerfOverlay.DrawFps 0


Whether or not you bought your EA game on Steam, you can use it to bring up an FPS counter.

  1. Open the Steam client on your PC or Mac and log in.
  2. Click on the Steam tab.
  3. Select Settings on Windows, or Preferences on Mac.
  4. Select In-Game from the options on the left.
  5. Click on the In-game FPS counter drop-down menu and choose where you want the counter to appear on your screen.
    • Check the High contrast color check-box to clearly see the counter.
  6. Press OK to save your settings.

To disable the counter, follow steps 1-5 and choose Off from the drop-down menu.

Other tools

Always follow the instructions from your PC manufacturer.

If none of the the above options work for your game, you can try using one of these tools to display an FPS counter:

Does the EA app have an FPS counter?

Right now, the EA app doesn’t measure frames-per-second. Learn more about the EA app and get the latest updates on

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  • Subscribe to EA Help on YouTube for video walkthroughs and guides.

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