Having trouble with The Sims 4 Expansion Pack ? We’re working on a fix.
First, check out our system requirements and make sure you’re ready to play.
The EA app has replaced Origin as the main platform for downloading and launching The Sims 4 for both Mac and PC.
Mac users need to use macOS Catalina or later to run the EA app. To learn more about upgrading your macOS, check out our guide.
Read our Sims 4 installation guide for help installing the game.
The Sims 4 for Mac is a digital-only release. The installation discs in packaged editions of The Sims 4 aren’t Mac compatible, but players who buy a packaged PC-only version can still redeem the code in the box to access the Mac version through the EA app.
The Sims 4 will begin to download in your EA app library. Once the download is complete, you’ll be able to launch The Sims 4 and start playing.
If you need more help, you can review our redeeming product codes guide and our disc installation article.
Once complete, open The Sims 4 on your Mac and your save files will be ready to load.
From here, you can download and install any available add-on content on the Mac version of The Sims 4.
Most display issues can be solved by resizing the window or going to windowed mode by pressing Command + Control + F.
If you’re using a Retina Display, try not to change to Retina mode and Resolution at the same time.
The in-game video capture feature isn’t currently supported on Mac.