The Sims 4 pregnancy guide

Everything you need to know about having a baby in The Sims 4.

How does my Sim have a baby?

There are three ways to get pregnant or have a baby in The Sims 4.

  • Perform the Try for Baby action. Make sure to build up your relationship with another Sim, then click objects like the bed, shower, hot tub, or rocketship for the Try for Baby action to appear.
  • Use the power of science to have a baby alone or with another Sim by clicking on your Sim’s phone, opening the Home app, and choosing Have Science Baby.
  • Adopt a baby over the phone or computer, or adopt your partner’s baby.
    • Over the phone: Click your Sim’s phone and open the Home app. Click Hire a Service, then Call the Adoption Agency.
    • On the computer: click your Sim’s computer, then Household, and Adopt Sim.
    • Your partner’s baby: You can also adopt an infant, toddler, or child if your Sim is in a relationship with their parent. You’ll see the option to adopt under the Friendly action menu.

Note: if you own The Sims 4 Life and Death Expansion Pack, Child Sims (dependants) can be left to another Household in a Will. For more information on Wills, check out our guide.

Which Sims can get pregnant?

Although by default only female Sims can get pregnant, you can change your Sim’s pregnancy options under the gender selection dropdown menu in Create A Sim so that male Sims can get pregnant too.

You can choose Become Pregnant, Get Others Pregnant, or Neither for any young adult or adult Sim. Elder Sims can Get Others Pregnant but can’t Become Pregnant.

A dashed coral line surrounds the pregnancy options in Create a Sim in The Sims 4. The options show you can select between Become pregnant, Get others pregnant, and Neither.

How do I know if my Sim is pregnant?

To know right away if your Sim is pregnant, click on a toilet to take a pregnancy test for 15 Simoleons.

You can also keep an eye on their Moodlets for signs of pregnancy and to see which trimester they’re in. Your Sim’s pregnancy will last about three days.

How do I visit the hospital to give birth?

Once your Sim goes into labor, you’ll have the option to click on your Sim and choose to go to the hospital or have the baby at home. Although you can’t go to the hospital with them, they’ll return with your bundle of joy in no time.

If you own The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack, you can visit the hospital when your Sim gives birth.

Increase your Sim’s chance of having twins or triplets

Remember that none of these methods guarantee your Sim will get pregnant with twins or triplets; they just increase your chances!

Base Game

To make twins or triplets more likely, use 3,000 satisfaction points to buy the Fertile trait in the rewards store. Your Sim earns satisfaction points by completing Whims.

Buying this trait also increases the chances of the Try for Baby interaction working on the first try.

  1. Open the Aspirations menu in the bottom right panel.
  2. Click on the Rewards Store.
  3. Select the option with the baby bottle icon called Fertile.
  4. A close-up look at the Rewards Store menu. The Fertile Trait is highlighted revealing the description

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Outdoor Retreat

If you own The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Game Pack, you can make the Elixir of Fertility to increase the chance of twins or triplets.

Your Sim must be a Level 10 in the Herbalism skill. To create this herbal remedy, your Sim will need these ingredients in their inventory, which can be found around Granite Falls:

  • 1 Blackberry
  • 1 Dust Spirit
  • 2 False Morel
  • 3 Morel Mushrooms.

Approach a stove, BBQ, or cauldron to brew up the potion.

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Spa Day

If you own The Sims 4 Spa Day Game Pack, your Sim can get a Fertility Massage, which increases their chances of having twins or triplets.

  1. Click the Get a Massage option on the massage bed.
  2. Choose Get a Fertility Massage. You can do this at the spa or on your home lot, but the Sim performing the massage must be a Level 9 in the Wellness Skill.
After the massage, your Sim will have a new moodlet, Fertility Boost, which lasts for around 12 in-game hours. Have your Sim Try for a Baby during this time to increase the chances of conceiving twins or triplets.

     A close-up look at the massage table menu in The Sims 4 Spa Day. The 'Get a Fertility Massage' option is highlighted in green to show where to find it in-game.

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City Living

With The Sims 4 City Living Expansion Pack comes a brand new lot trait, On Ley Line. Lot traits can be edited in Build Mode in the Venue Info menu found at the top left of the screen.

  1. With the Venue Info menu open click on the question mark icon to view the Traits Panel. This will bring up any traits your lot currently has so you can edit them.
  2. Choose the On Ley Line lot trait. Using this trait means that twins and triplets are more likely when your Sim chooses the Try for Baby action.
  3. A close-up look at the Lot Traits menu. The 'On Ley Line' lot trait is highlighted revealing the description 'Full of funky and fertile earth energy, twins are born here more often than not.'

What are the chances of your Sim having twins or triplets?

The odds of your Sim having twins or triplets are much lower than having a single birth.

Your Sim has a:

  • 10% chance of having twins
  • 1% chance of having triplets.
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How to influence gender

Trying some of the methods below while your Sim is pregnant can increase the chance of having a boy or a girl, but it’s not always guaranteed to work.

To have a girl:

  • Listen to the Pop Music genre:
    • find a stereo
    • click Listen to
    • choose Pop.
  • Eat strawberries:
    • find them growing in the wild (try searching Willow Creek)
    • grow them yourself (you can purchase seeds if you own Seasons)
    • buy them at a market stall if you own Cottage Living or City Living.

To have a boy:

  • Listen to the Alternative Music genre:
    • find a stereo
    • click Listen to
    • choose Alternative.
  • Eat carrots:
    • find them growing in the wild (try searching around Oasis Springs)
    • grow them yourself (you can purchase seeds if you own Seasons)
    • if you have Cottage Living or City Living, buy them at a market stall.

How to have an Occult Sim baby

If one of the parents of your baby is an Occult Sim like a Werewolf, Vampire, Spellcaster, Mermaid, or Alien, there’s a chance that your baby will be an Occult Sim. However, Ghost Sims can’t have children.

These are the odds of your Sim baby being an Occult:



Occult Sim + regular Sim

50/50 chance

Occult Sim + Occult Sim (different types)

Likely Sim baby will be either Occult type

Occult Sim + Occult Sim (same types)

Likely Sim baby will be the same Occult type, but can be a regular Sim baby

Regular Sim + Regular Sim

Not possible

There are other ways to have an Occult baby, as well as ways to pass down special abilities and Traits:

  • Stargazing through the Telescope: There’s a chance your Sim could be abducted by Aliens and impregnated, resulting in an Alien baby. This can only happen to Young Adult or Adult Sims, who normally can’t become pregnant.
  • On a Dark Ley Line Lot Trait: this Lot Trait increases the chance that babies born on this Lot will be Vampires.
  • Spellcaster Bloodline Traits: For first-generation Spellcaster Sims, they’ll start off with no Bloodline Trait. Their children will have the Weak Bloodline Trait. If consecutive generations are Spellcaster Sims, this makes the bloodline stronger—it’ll go from a Strong Bloodline Trait to an Ancient Bloodline Trait. If consecutive generations aren’t Spellcasters, they’ll have the Bloodline Trait, but it’ll eventually disappear after a few generations.
  • Vampiric powers: The more powerful the Vampire parents, the more powerful a Sim will be when they begin their journey as a Vampire.
  • Werewolf Traits: Some Werewolves can be born with no extra Werewolf Traits, but others can be born with:
    • Greater Wolf Blood Trait: They’ll gain additional experience when they unlock Werewolf powers.
    • Dormant Wolf Trait: They won’t become a Werewolf, but they can pass down the Werewolf bloodline to their children. Sims with this trait can Awaken the Werewolf Within, but it's optional. To do this, have them swim in Moonwood Mill’s Lake Lunvik at night during a full moon.

Having a baby with the Grim Reaper in The Sims 4

If you own The Sims 4 Life & Death Expansion Pack, the Try for Baby interaction is available with the Grim Reaper. For help initiating WooHoo with Grim, check out our WooHoo guide.

If your Sim gets pregnant, the baby will be born with the Grimborn Trait. Sims with this Reward Trait will have a scythe birthmark behind their left ear and live longer. When these Sims have children, they’ll also have the Grim Descendant Trait, but they won’t have the birthmark or longer life span.

Note: Young Adult or Adult Sims can get pregnant after WooHoo with Grim, regardless of pregnancy settings set in Create a Sim.

A close-up of the back of a Sim's head in The Sims 4. Underneath the Sim's left ear is a red birthmark in the shape of a scythe.

If you also own The Sims 4 Growing Together, when you have a baby with Grim, you’ll get the Had a Descendant of Grim! milestone.

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