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Once you submit a Player to an Evolution slot in Ultimate Team™, you can complete gameplay challenges to get permanent upgrades for your Player.
You can only submit one Evolution at a time.
Once a Player is submitted to an Evolution slot, they become untradeable.
No. You can only submit one Player per Evolution, and you can’t withdraw your Player or forfeit the Evolution.
You can’t submit Evolution Players in Squad Building Challenges (SBCs) while they’re still in progress. However, once a Player Item is fully upgraded and the Evolution is complete, you can use them in SBCs.
Learn how to submit Players into SBCs and how to get them back if you submitted them by accident.
Yes, Evolutions have two separate time restrictions: one for slot activation and another for completing upgrades. Not all Slots will have both time restrictions, but they might have one or both.
If the Evolution timer for completing upgrades runs out, you’ll earn all the upgrades for the levels that you’ve completed. You won’t be able to claim the upgrades for any uncompleted, or partially completed, levels.