A cikk nem érhető el magyarul. Olvasd tovább angolul, vagy lépj velünk kapcsolatba további segítségért.

Whether it’s Coins or Points, we’re here to help you keep your FIFA currency in check and play by the rules.

Quick guide to following the rules

  • Get or sell Items on the FUT Transfer Market at a fair Transfer Market price. Don’t buy FUT Coins or engage in any type of Coin distribution to or from your account.
  • Only buy FIFA Points from the FUT Store, your console’s store, or trusted retailers.
  • Read up on the rules in EA SPORTS FIFA

You can earn FUT Coins in FIFA Ultimate Team™ (FUT) by playing matches or by selling Items on the Transfer Market, but you can’t buy Coins. Buying Coins from a third party, promoting Coin buying, and Coin distribution is against our rules.

What not to do with Coins

We all want to help a friend out, but sending them FUT Coins isn’t the way to do it. Sending Coins to your friends is a form of Coin distribution and it breaks our rules.

It breaks our rules if you use the FUT Transfer Market to transfer Coins to or from another player instead of using it to get a FUT Item legitimately. This could mean that you complete the purchase of a FUT Item for the purpose of transferring Coins from your account to another account, or that you sold a FUT Item to another account for the purpose of transferring the Coins to your account.

Giveaways are another form of Coin distribution. For example, if a player or site offers you Coins in exchange for subscribing. Don’t do it! It’s against our rules.

Having multiple accounts and funneling Coins and Items to your main account breaks our rules, too.

Here are a few ways:

  • playing matches in FIFA Ultimate Team
  • earning rewards in modes like Rivals and Squad Battles
  • selling Items for a fair price on the Transfer Market

There are four ways you can buy FIFA Points: through the FUT Store, your platform’s store, through physical cards at retailers that you can redeem for FIFA Points, and through trusted retailers

You can use FIFA Points in the FUT Store to buy Packs and other Items, and enter Ultimate Draft.

  • Check out EA Forums to get help from other players and chat with the community.
  • Keep an eye on @EAHelp on Twitter for everything from outage info to news about the game.

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