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Use this article to learn about Mayor’s Club in SimCity BuildIt. Read about Club roles, Contest of Mayors and rewards, how to wage Club Wars using Battle Boosters and Disaster Cards, and how to get and spend War Simoleons.

Unlock Mayor’s Club Club Roles Contest of Mayors Club Wars War Simoleons

You may not be able to use some game features if you have a child account. Read about online access for child accounts.

Once you reach Level 18, you can create your own Mayor’s Club or join a pre-existing Club.

Find the Mayor’s Club House just off your city’s coast, near the Contest of Mayors Island.

How do I create a club?

When you create a Club, you become Club President.

  1. Click Create in the Club menu.
  2. Choose a Club Name and add a Club Description.
  3. Set the Club Type.

Check out our article on to learn more about Mayor’s Club types, roles, and how to invite other players to your Club.

I can’t find or join a Club. Why not?

  • Double-check that you have the right Club name and search again.
  • The Club might be full (25 members) and can’t accept more players. In this case, you’ll see a “Club is Full!” message.

Unless you create a Club, you’ll join a Club as a regular member.
You can get promoted to Club President, Vice President, or Senior depending on your Club activity.

Club President

Club Presidents can:

  • invite other Mayors to join a Club
  • accept or reject requests to join a Club
  • promote other Club members to Vice President or Senior roles
  • remove abusive or disruptive members.

To become Club President, you must be next in line when the current President leaves. This means that the Vice President with the most Plumbob points would become President.

Vice Presidents

Vice Presidents can:

  • invite other Mayors to join a Club
  • accept or reject requests to join
  • promote other Club members to Senior
  • remove abusive or disruptive members.


Seniors can:

  • accept or reject requests to join a Club

Heads-up: If you get kicked out of a Club, you can still join another one, but you’ll have to wait. You’ll get an error message if you try to join a Club before you’re allowed to.

Times kicked out of Club

Waiting time

1st time

30 minutes

2nd time

24 hours

3rd time

48 hours

4th time

72 hours

5th time onwards

1 week

Read our article on how to play by the rules to avoid being kicked out of Clubs or banned from the game.

Compete against other Mayors, complete assignments to earn Plumbob Points, and rise up in the Leagues to win premium currency and grow your city with special Platinum buildings.

How do I get started?

Tap the Contest HQ to take part in the contest and find details about the Rules, Assignments, Leaderboards, and Leagues.

Each Contest of Mayors lasts five days, with groups of Mayors competing against 100 randomly selected Mayors around the world.

How do I complete Assignments?

Start by picking an assignment and tapping Accept. Each Assignment has its own time limit. The trickier the Assignment, the larger the Plumbob Point rewards.

What if I accepted the wrong Assignment?

Just tap on the red X icon to cancel it and pick a new one. There’s a cooldown period before a new assignment replaces a canceled Assignment in your list, but you can skip it using SimCash. Just tap the Speed Up icon.

Contest of Mayor Streaks

You’ll get one Assignment at a time to complete a Streak and a chance to get bonus Plumbob Points if you can do it in the set time. The number of Assignments in a Streak and the bonus depend on the League you’re playing in.

If you fail one of the assignments in the Streak, the current Streak ends and you’ll have to wait before starting a new one.

How do Leagues work?

There are six Leagues to move your way up through, from the lowest Neighborhood League to the highest Megalopolis League:

  • Neighborhood League
  • Suburban League
  • Town League
  • City League
  • Metropolis League
  • Megapolis League

Each week, top-ranked players climb to a higher League, with bigger prices and Assignments available. Lowest-ranked players move down a League.

Contest Rank

Your rank is based on your cumulative lifetime Plumbob Points. The higher you rank, the more Points you’ll need to rank even higher. As you rise to new ranks, you’ll also get Golden Tickets and Platinum Keys.

Plumbob Points: You collect Plumbob Points as you complete Assignments. Tap the Leaderboards to check your current Position and the rewards you can redeem.

Golden Tickets: Your reward for rising to a new rank. Use them to buy more Assignments.

Platinum Keys: A special prize in Contest of Mayors and Club Wars. Use them to buy premium buildings like Platinum Parks and Platinum Landmarks from the Specialization menus.

Club Wars is a real-time Player vs. Player (PvP) battle mode in SimCity BuildIt. Team up with your Mayor’s Club and wage war on other Clubs.

How do I unlock Club Wars?

You can unlock Club Wars once your city reaches Level 18. You also need to be a member of a Mayor’s Club. To find Clubs that participate in Wars, check the Club descriptions before you join.

How do I start a Club War?

Only Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Seniors of the Club can start Wars. You can do this through the War Map.

  1. Tap on Vu Fortress or the star-shaped Club Wars icon on the bottom left of your city.
  2. Play through the tutorial, which will guide you through the different phases of War: Preparation, Attack, and Claiming Rewards.

Read more about Club Wars here and check out this video for tips and tricks on how to start a Club War.


Club Wars battles take place in Arenas. Each Club is placed in an Arena based on their Elo score and will move through different Arenas as their score improves. If your Club is starting from scratch, you’ll start in Arena 1, Mountainous Mayhem.

Rules and rewards

Each Arena has different rules that affect how fast energy regenerates for each player and how much damage a city can take before having to use a shield.

Check out the rules, unique rewards, and Battle Boosters inventory for each Arena in the Club Wars menu.

Battle Boosters

Battle Boosters can give a friendly city a one-time boost or slow down an enemy city during a Club War.

Heads-up: Battle Boosters are not available in the Mountainous Mayhem Arena. They become available once you reach Arena 2, Desert of Destruction. Check out your inventory at any time by tapping on the Booster icon in the Club Wars menu.

How do I activate Battle Boosters?

  1. Choose a city you want to target.
  2. Head to your Battle Boosters list by tapping on the Booster icon in the bottom-left corner.
    • Available boosters are shown in color, unavailable ones are grayed out.
  3. Tap the Booster type you want to use.
  4. Drag the Booster Token on top of the city you want to attack.

Check out this article on to learn about the different types of Battle Boosters.

How do I get more Battle Boosters?

Disaster Cards 

To unleash disasters on enemy cities and earn War Points, you need to collect Disaster Cards. Each Disaster you launch earns you War Points. Players with the most War Points at the end win the War.

Go to War Map > Cards to find your Disaster Cards and their requirements to launch.

There are many Disaster Cards, each unique in:

  • the damage they cause
  • the War Points they earn
  • the energy cost needed for launching the Disaster
  • the War Supplies needed for launching the Disaster.

They are classified in six different Disaster Collections, in order of the degree of damage they can cause (Class A+ Cards are the most powerful). 

  • Class S
  • Class M
  • Class L
  • Class XL
  • Class
  • Class XXL
  • Class A+

What is Knock Out?

If you attack all opponents’ cities to the point where they’re all under the Shield, the Knock Out timer appears, which shortens the duration of the War. This timer only remains active if none of the opponents repair their city. However, if no city repairs and the Knock Out timer ends, the Club that started the Knock Out wins the War.

War Simoleons is a currency in SimCity BuildIt that lets you buy items to spruce up your game in Club Wars.

To start shopping, tap the shopping bag icon on the left-hand side of the Club Wars menu, below Settings.

How do I get War Simoleons?

  • Play Club Wars and get reward chests.
  • Repair zones in your city that have been damaged in Club Wars.

Where do I see how many War Simoleons I have?

Look no further than the purple triangle icon at the top-right corner of the War Store menu!

What can I buy with Simoleons?

The items you see in the War Store depend on the Arena that you’re playing in.

  • War Delivery Items
  • Battle Boosters (Use these in higher Arenas)
  • Disaster Cards

Heads-up: Each set of items is only available for a limited time. Always check the timer above each set to see how long it’ll be available for. When timers run out, new sets of items become available.

  • Check out the in-game FAQ section in the Club menu.
  • Join the EA Forums community to get help from other players.

The best way to contact us is by creating an in-game ticket. This sends us through details about your account and means we can help you faster.

  1. On the home screen, tap the Settings cogwheel in the top right corner.
  2. Find Customer Service on the list, and tap Visit.
  3. Follow the instructions on-screen to contact us.

If you can’t log into the game, we’ll ask for your User ID when you contact us.

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