Ez a cikk Magyar nyelven nem áll rendelkezésre. Itt elolvashatod angolul, illetve kapcsolatba léphetsz velünk, és beszélhetsz egy tanácsadónkkal valamelyik másik nyelven.

Learn how to use the Masks of the Sun and the Moon to wield spirit weapons in Tales of Kenzera™: ZAU.

The warrior shaman, Zau, is equipped with two masks at the start of the game–The Mask of the Sun and The Mask of the Moon.

You can instantly swap the masks in battle by selecting the Left Bumper (console) or Q key (PC). The Mask of the Sun grants Zau a powerful golden melee light. The Mask of the Moon is best for long-range attacks with shimmering blue light.

Both of the masks have a Light and Heavy attack mode.

  • For a Light attack, select X on console (the left mouse button on PC).
  • For a Heavy attack, select Y on console (the right mouse button on PC).

Both Masks can also perform Spirit Attacks. These extra-powerful attacks will cost Zau two Spirit Segments, but their impressive cosmic power is vital in defeating stronger enemies.

  1. Equip Zau with either Mask.
  2. Select L and R (1 and 2 on PC) at the same time to perform a Spirit Attack.

The Mask of the Moon’s Spirit Attack is Lunar Blast–a devastating energy beam that obliterates any enemies in its path. Use L (WSAD on PC) to control the direction of the Lunar Blast beam.

The Mask of the Sun’s Spirit Attack is Supernova–a transformative power that unleashes a towering inferno of Shamanistic fire.

As you move through the game you’ll unlock new levels and capabilities for your weapons. You can also add to your skills by collecting trinkets. Check out more of these upgrades via the Skills tab and the Trinkets tab in the in-game menu. As you unlock skills, you’ll find fighting tutorials on the Codex tab in the same menu.

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