Ez a cikk Magyar nyelven nem áll rendelkezésre. Itt elolvashatod angolul, illetve kapcsolatba léphetsz velünk, és beszélhetsz egy tanácsadónkkal valamelyik másik nyelven.

Find out how to make objects bigger and smaller in The Sims 4.

To change the size of an object on PC:

  1. Open Build Mode and select the object.
  2. To make the object bigger, hold Shift and then press ].
  3. Each time you press ] the object will get larger.
  4. To make the object smaller, hold Shift and then press [.
  5. Each time you press [ the object will get smaller.


To change the size of an object on Xbox:

  1. Open Build Mode and select the object.
  2. To make the object bigger, hold down LT + RT and press up on the D-pad.
  3. Each time you press up on the D-pad, the object will get larger.
  4. To make the object smaller, hold down LT + RT and press down on the D-pad.
  5. Each time you press down on the D-pad the object will get smaller.


To change the size of an object on PlayStation:

  1. Open Build Mode and select the object.
  2. To make the object bigger, hold down L2 + R2 and press up on the D-pad.
  3. Each time you press up on the D-pad, the object will get larger.
  4. To make the object smaller, hold down L2 + R2 and press down on the D-pad.
  5. Each time you press down on the D-pad the object will get smaller.

If you need more gameplay tips and tricks, check out the articles below:

Did you know that The Sims 4 base game is now free to play? For more information, we have everything covered here.

Stay up to date by following @TheSims on Twitter and you can also check for any known game bugs or outages @TheSimsDirect.

Make sure you also join the conversation over on EA Forums.

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