When we notice unusual activity on your EA Account, we lock it for your safety. Here’s what that means and how you can protect yourself.

Unusual activity can be related to issues like phishing, logging in from shared connections, using weak passwords, or using the same password on multiple websites. When we see activity that seems out of the ordinary, we lock your account by resetting your password to keep your personal information and games safe.

Don’t worry, all of your purchases and progress are still there. We’re just helping keep things secure to avoid other people accessing them.

In order to log into your account and use the online features of our games, you need to reset your password.

  • Playing on a console? You should see a QR code. Scan that code with your phone or tablet to be taken to the password reset page. Once it’s been reset, you can log back in on your console.
  • Launching your games from the EA app? There’s a hyperlink to the password reset page. Once you’ve reset the password, you’ll be able to log back into your account.
  • If you no longer have access to the email you used to register your EA Account, try these tips to regain access to your account.

We highly recommend you turn on Login Verification to fully secure your EA Account. This will check new and unrecognized devices when you log in. We also recommend choosing a password that’s unique to your EA Account.

For more tips on how to help keep your account secure, check out our account safety and security article.

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