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Everything you need to know about Club Pogo Guest Passes.

What is a Guest Pass? Send a Guest Pass Use a Guest Pass

Club Pogo Guest Passes let free or new members experience the perks of Club Pogo for five days with no strings attached. If you don’t have a free Pogo account yet, you can make one.

If you are a Club Pogo member, you can give Guest Passes to family and friends so they can check out Club Pogo.

If you are a free Pogo member, you can ask a friend or family member who is subscribed to Club Pogo to send you a Guest Pass.

  1. Sign in to your Pogo account.
  2. Click on your avatar on the top right corner of the Pogo homepage.
  3. Pogo avatar on the homepage.

  4. Choose My Account from the menu.
  5. My Account in the menu.

  6. Click Friends in the top left corner.
  7. Friends in the top left corner.

  8. On the My Friends page, click Give a Guest Pass.
  9. Give a Guest Pass on the My Friends page.

  10. Fill out the form with your first name, your friend's email or Pogo screen name, and a message. Make sure that your friend’s email or Pogo screen name is spelled correctly.
  11. Fill out the details to send a Guest Pass.

  12. You can click Add a Friend to send Guest Passes to more than one person.
  13. Click Send Guest Pass.

I sent a Guest Pass and my friend never received it

You can only use one Guest Pass for each account. It’s possible that your friend can’t receive more Guest Passes.

I don’t have enough guest passes to send to my friend

You’ll get one renewed Guest Pass each month.

When you get the Guest Pass email from your friend, click the green Get Your Free Guest Pass button.

Guest Pass invitiation email.

We’ll ask you to enter your Pogo screen name and password if you’re not signed in to your free Pogo account. If you don’t have a free Pogo account yet, you can make one.

After your five days are up, your Pogo account will become a free account again. If you decide you want to stay a Club Pogo member, click any of the Club Pogo ads.

Why did my Guest Pass give me an error?

If you get an error that says your code is not valid for your account, it means that you’ve already used a Guest Pass on your account or had a Club Pogo subscription. It can also mean that the Guest Pass has already been used.

If you’ve never used a Guest Pass on your account and were never subscribed to Club Pogo, ask your friend to send another Guest Pass and try again.

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