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Join the MUT Rewards program for Madden Ultimate Team today to earn exclusive rewards.

Madden Ultimate Team (MUT) Rewards is a program that gifts members with Packs throughout the season.

How do I earn MUT Rewards?

Sign up and start earning MUT Rewards today and use your current contact info so we can stay in touch.

All Packs you open will count towards your progress, and as you advance through MUT Rewards tiers you’ll earn better content.

Some rewards will repeat. Rewards vary, and there will always be a surprise to discover.

Are you having trouble signing up? Make sure you’re using the EA Account that’s linked to your Xbox Live gamertag or your PlayStation™Network Online ID (PSN ID).

What are the MUT Rewards tier levels?

You’ll be in one of four levels for MUT Rewards:

  1. Rookie Level: 0–49 Packs opened
  2. Pro Level: 50 Packs opened
  3. All-Pro Level: 250 Packs opened
  4. Legendary Level: 1,000+ Packs opened

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