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Find out how to get support for issues with STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™.

Report a bug Help for SW:TOR Subscribers Other ways to get help

We support Star Wars: The Old Republic in English, French, and German only.

To report a bug in-game, use the /bug command in chat.

You can also report bugs at the Bug Reports forum on

If you’re a SW:TOR Subscriber, you can reach out to us in the game.

Get help inside the game

  1. Click on the question mark icon in the main menu (or press Ctrl + /).
  2. Click Create ticket, then follow the on-screen instructions to give us more details before submitting your request.

Are you playing on Steam?

If you subscribed through Steam, contact Steam Support for help with:

  • your Steam account.
  • your subscription (you can cancel your subscription through the Manage Subscriptions option on your Steam Account page).

If you need help with your account, get an error message while making a payment, or can't log in to the game, you can get help in a few ways. These options are available to you whether you’re a SW:TOR Subscriber or not.

Get help from the SW:TOR community on EA Forums

If you have questions and want to connect with the SW:TOR community, get help from other players on EA Forums.

Contact SW:TOR support

Learn how to reach out to the SW:TOR team.

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