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Learn how to manage how your Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V stats are shared outside the games.

When you play Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V, your stats and progress are automatically shared publicly by Battlefield Community sites, including Battlefield Tracker.

Community sites are operated by third parties and allow visitors to review their own and others’ stats and progress in Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V. 

If you’d rather not share your stats and progress with these sites, here’s how to opt-out:

Battlefield 1:

  1. Log into Battlefield 1.
  2. Open the Start menu.
  3. Select More.
  4. Select Options.
  5. Open the Gameplay menu.
  6. Select the Advanced option.
  7. Go to the Share Usage Data option and select No.

Battlefield V:

  1. Log into Battlefield V.
  2. Open the Start menu.
  3. Select Options.
  4. Open the Gameplay menu.
  5. Go to the Share Usage Data option and select Off.

When you play Battlefield 1, your stats, progress, and in-game online presence are also automatically available publicly in EA’s Battlefield Companion app.

You can customize data sharing using your console and/or EA Account privacy settings. Changes will be reflected in your next game session.


Find out how to use your EA app Privacy settings to control what people can see when they look at your profile

Online presence

  1. Open the EA app.
  2. Click your profile name in the top right.
  3. Choose Invisible from the dropdown list if you’d rather not appear online.

Sony has a guide to your privacy settings on

Follow Microsoft’s guide to setting up your privacy settings.

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