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Keep your EA SPORTS™ UFC® Mobile 2 progress safe by linking your account to Google Play or the Apple Game Center.

Linking your game to the cloud saves your progress if you lose your device or upgrade to a new one. If you get a new device with the same operating system, you can sign in to your linked account to get right back in the game.

Linking your account also lets you play on the same account across multiple devices if the devices use the same operating system.

  1. From the Home screen, tap the Settings cog in the top-right of your screen.
  2. Look for Link Accounts, and tap the Link button across from it.
  3. Tap Link again on the next screen and follow the instructions.
  4. You’ll get a pop-up confirmation that your account is linked—if you see an error message instead, try the steps again.

Once you’ve linked an account to EA SPORTS™ UFC® Mobile 2, your game progress will be saved and backed up.

If you ever lose data, stats, or progress in your game, try these steps to restore lost mobile game progress.

If you want to unlink your account for any reason, this article will help you understand the risks to your game progress and the steps you can take.

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