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When using the Battlefield 4 Commander App, you may run into some issues that limit or prohibit your ability to lead the way as a successful commander.

Below, find all the gameplay affecting issues we’re currently aware of and tracking, and any workarounds or troubleshooting for issues we may have confirmed or discovered.

When trying to use the Commander App on Android, all I can see is a black screen

Some players using the Android version of the Commander App are sometimes met with only a blackscreen when they try to play.

When I join a server as Commander, the server is empty

While you should usually be placed into a server with active players when joining a game from the Commander App, selecting an empty server will sometimes allow you to join the game, even though the server is empty.

I can't connect to Xbox 360 servers when using the Commander App

Some Xbox 360 players are having problems when trying to connect to a game.

The PlayStation 4 Commander App has been temporarily disabled

Due to some servers crashing when PlayStation 4 Commanders join a match, the PS4 Commander App has been temporarily disabled while we investigate this issue and work on a solution.

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