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The Battlescreen gives you a top-down view of the battlefield you're playing on, where you can find (similar to the in-game map) capture points, enemy locations, and vehicles.

What can I see on Battlescreen?
  • Capture Points
  • Enemy locations
  • Vehicles

Battlescreen acts like a full-sized mini-map ready to view on mobile devices or a browser window.

You can access Battlescreen by jumping into Battlelog, or the Battlelog app, and joining a match. Once in a match, with Battlelog open, either on a separate monitor, computer, or mobile device, click the Battlescreen found in match-status ribbon, seen below.

NOTE: for Battlescreen to function, your device or browser-based connection to Battlelog MUST be on the same local area network, or connection, as your Battlefield 4 match.

User-added image

This will open up the Battlescreen, appearing as below to give you an eye in the sky, streaming all the important information straight to your browser window or device.

User-added image

If you're experiencing issues connecting to Battlescreen, as seen below, ensure that your Battlelog device's connection is on the same network as your Battlefield 4 match.

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