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A guide to Events in The Sims 4: how to join, how to claim your rewards, and where to find them.

What are Events How to earn rewards How to claim rewards

Events are time-limited, themed challenges in The Sims 4. When you take part, you can earn exclusive rewards that can be used in-game, across Build Mode, Live Mode, or Create a Sim.

Events are available across all platforms: PC, Mac, Xbox, and PlayStation®.

There are two types of Events you can take part in:

  • Gameplay Events let you earn Event Points by completing Quests in The Sims 4 over a set period of time. You can redeem these Points for free rewards. Find out more about how Gameplay Events work with our video guide.
  • Login Events let you earn rewards by logging in to The Sims 4 over a set period of time. Find out more about how Login Events work with our video guide.

Earn rewards through Gameplay Events

Launch the game, and make sure you’re online. Select the Events Tab in the Main Menu to view the Events Screen. Enter Live Mode, and after unpausing the game, a pop-up will guide you into the first Quest.

In The Sims 4 Main Menu a coral dashed line surrounds the Events tab.

Complete Quests in Gameplay Events to earn Event Points and rewards. Each Quest has multiple objectives to complete. Hover over any of the Quests for tips and info on how to complete them. When you complete a Quest, a pop-up notification will tell you what to do next.

If you finish all Quests, check the Quest Tab timer in the Events Screen for when the next set of Quests unlocks.

Started the Event late or missed a week? Not to worry–there’s always extra time built into the Event, giving you more weeks than Quests to catch up on anything you missed.

Some Quests are Pack-specific, so you’ll only see these if you have the Pack installed. For example, if you have the Paranormal Stuff Pack installed, you may get Pack-specific Quests that use features and Items from that Pack. If you don’t have that Pack installed, these Quests won’t appear for you.

Packs and Pack-specific Quests are not required to complete an Event.

You can check in on your progress and rewards by opening the Event Icon in the upper left of Live Mode. When you unlock a reward, a Wall Notification will prompt you to open the Event Screen to claim your reward.

Earn rewards through Login Events

When you launch the game, select the Events Tab in the Main Menu to bring up the Events Screen and claim your first reward.

Login Events run for several weeks. You’ll need to log in multiple times throughout the Event to unlock all rewards. Each Login Event may run for different periods of time, so the amount of times you’ll need to log in will vary from Event to Event.

You can claim different rewards each week. Once you’ve claimed the rewards for that week, you’ll need to come back the following week to claim more.

  1. Open the Events Screen through:
    • the Main Menu by selecting the Event Tab.
    • Live Mode by selecting the Event Icon in the top-left corner.
  2. Once you’ve opened the Event Screen, available rewards will appear here.
  3. Select Claim.

If the Claim button is grayed out, or not there, you don’t have enough Event Points to claim this reward. To earn more Event Points, you’ll need to complete more objectives.

Have multiple rewards to claim? You can claim these all at once by selecting Claim in the Event Screen.

All rewards earned through Gameplay Events are linked to your EA Account. If you uninstall The Sims 4, you’ll still have your rewards if you reinstall and log in with the same EA Account you earned them on.

Where to find rewards

After claiming your rewards, you can find them in Build Mode or Create a Sim. All reward Items are marked with a Plumbob icon.

To find Items in Build Mode:

  1. Open Build Mode and select Filter Items.
  2. Open the Special drop-down and check Event Rewards. This will filter Build Mode to only show reward Items.
  3. A coral dashed line surrounds the Filter Items menu with the Event Rewards checkbox selected.

To find Items in Create a Sim:

  1. Open Create a Sim.
  2. Select the Filter Items menu.
  3. Choose the Special drop-down and check Event Rewards. This will filter Create a Sim to only show reward Items within each category.
  4. In the Filter Items section of Create a Sim, a coral dashed box surrounds the Event Rewards checkbox.

Consumables and collectibles

Consumables and collectibles like plants, potions, and crystals, can only be unlocked in Live Mode. Enter Live Mode and open the Event Screen by selecting the Event Icon in the top-left corner. Then, select Claim.

Once you claim these rewards, you’ll find them in your Sim’s personal inventory. In Live Mode, select the storage box icon from the bottom left to access your Sim’s personal inventory. If you sell or delete a collectible reward you unlocked, you can buy it through Buy Mode.

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