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Learn the default shortcuts for playing The Sims: Legacy Edition on PC.

General controls Misc shortcuts Cheats

Need a little help getting back into The Sims 1? It’s been a while, so here’s a guide to PC controls to help you get going.

A blue graphic of a keyboard which details shortcuts for the keyboard and mouse when playing The Sims.

Alt + Enter

Cycle Screen Resolution Scaling



Ctrl + Shift + C 

Toggle cheats window on/off


Live Mode


Build Mode


Buy Mode


Enter camera mode (snapshot)

Enter or Space

Accept dialog


Select Yes or No option in dialog

Ctrl + S 

Save game


Alt + F4 

Save quit

Ctrl + C  

Copy text fields

Ctrl + X

Cut text fields

Ctrl + V 

Paste text fields

Ctrl + Z  

Undo text fields

Ctrl + Y 

Redo text fields

House controls

Page Up/Page Down

Next/previous floor


Next/previous wall mode


Switch floors

Camera movements

+/- or mouse scroll wheel

Zoom in/out

 </> or Shift + Arrow keys 

Rotate left/right

Right-click and/or drag or Alt + mouse or  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → 

Move camera

Build/Buy Mode controls

F2 or double left-click Buy Mode button

Toggle sorting objects by type or room

</> or left-click and drag

Rotate objects


Delete object

Hold Shift + left-click

Place multiple of the same object continually (Buy Mode only)


Scroll between pages in catalog

Wall/fence tool: Shift + drag

Create a room/fenced area

Wallpaper/flooring tool: Shift

Fill room with wallpaper/flooring

Left-click and/or drag

Place walls, fences, floor tiles, wallpaper and pools. Drag to place multiple.

Ctrl + left-click and/or drag

Remove walls, fences, flooring, wallpaper, and pools. Drag to remove area.

Terrain tool: Ctrl  + left-click

Create or remove curved hills (terrain)

Terrain tool: Shift and or Ctrl + left-click

Inverts direction of tool, can also invert creation of curved hills (terrain)

Grass tool: Ctrl + left-click

Remove grass

Live Mode controls

F1 or double left-click Live Mode button

Hide/show main panel

Left-click Sim or object then left-click or right-click

Select and perform interaction

Left-click + drag + release

Click and drag to select interaction, then release

Left-click another Sim

Select interactions done by active Sim to other Sims

Space or N 

Switch to next Sim in Household

Left click Sim portrait or right-click Sim

Switch to (specific) Sim

Right click Sim portrait

Lock camera to Sim

Enter or left-click active Sim portrait

Center camera on active Sim

Ctrl + left-click Sim portrait

Edit Sim biography

P or ~ 

Pause game

1 /2/3

Regular/fast/ultra speed

Camera mode


Enter Camera Mode (snapshot)

Ctrl  +  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → 

Adjust snapshot area

Drag mouse

Select area to snapshot

Left-click mouse

Take snapshot


Toggle anti-aliasing


Show framerate in-game


Toggle shadows


Display build version of the game


Access settings/options in-game


SimsWebCam/Stalker camera (removed in later expansions)

To open the cheat bar in The Sims 1:

  1. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + C.
  2. Type in the cheat code you want to use and select Enter.

Here are some of the most common cheats for The Sims 1.

autonomy (0-100)

Sets the Sim’s free-thinking or IQ level

bubble_tweak (number)

<Z offset> Sets, in pixels, how far from a Sim’s head the thought bubble appears

draw_all_frames on

Enables draws all frames 

draw_all_frames off

Disables draws all frames

draw_floorable on

Enables floorable grid

draw_floorable off

Disables floorable grid


Saves family history file. Find where the game is installed under FamilyHistory.txt


Displays the interests of selected Sim

log mask

Sets events logging mask

move_objects on

Turns on ability to move any object 

move_objects off 

Turns off ability to move any object 


Brings up the Loch Ness monster on the Downtown, Old Town, and Vacation neighborhood view


Fixes required Lot objects 


Increases Household funds by 1,000 Simoleons

rotation (0-3)

Rotates camera 

set_hour (0-23)

Sets the hour of the day

sim_log begin

Starts Sim logging

sim_log end

Stops Sim logging

sim_speed (-1,000 to 10,000)

Sets gameplay speed

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