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Your Guild Flagship is the key to taking part in Planetary Conquests and leveling your Guild to earn bonuses for your members.

Guild Flagships Guild Perks Conquests Guild Strongholds Make your mark Getting there More

Buying a Guild Flagship is the first step towards taking part in Planetary Invasions and leveling up your Guild to earn bonuses to XP, Reputation, and Renown for your Guild members.

Other benefits of owning a Guild Flagship:

  • Orbital Support (a buff to all your Guild members on a specific Planet)
    • Set up Orbital Support by moving your Guild Flagship to that planet and enabling Orbital Support at your Flagship Command Station.
  • Flagship Transport
  • Guild Perks.

A Guild Flagship costs 8 million Credits. The purchase price is charged to your Guild Bank, so make sure you have the right amount of Credits available there before you visit the Guild Flagship Directory in the Strongholds and Crew Skills area of the Fleet.

Purchasing a Guild Flagship in SWTOR.

When you buy your Flagship, you get access to the Bridge, the Escape Pod array, and the lifts between decks.

You can unlock more rooms and decks on your Flagship using Flagship Plans and Credits. Each expansion requires a specific type of Flagship Framework:

  • Command
  • Engineering
  • Logistical

For example, unlocking Crew Deck Quad access costs 4 x Flagship Plans: Logistical Framework and 5 million Credits.

Purchasing a Guild Flagship expansion in SWTOR.

Your Guild Members can earn Flagship Plans from Planetary Invasions during Conquests, or you can buy them from the Flagship Commissioner at the Fleet (they cost one Dark Project MK-1 each). Combine 50 Flagship Plans to make one Framework.

In our example above, you’d need a total of 200 Flagship Plans: Logistical Encryption to make the 4 Logistical frameworks you need for the expansion.

Guild Perks are bonuses that apply to all Guild members and can be set by the Guild Leader and any other Guild Ranks that have edit permissions. Each room in the Flagship has different Perks available, so expanding your Flagship gives you more options to choose from.

Activating a Perk costs Credits. Many Perks also require Guild Commendations and some have a Guild Level requirement too. Your Guild earns Commendations each time the Guild levels up. They’re also available as Conquest rewards when your Guild reaches a Planetary Invasion target.

Purchasing a Guild Perk in SWTOR.

Perk Activation charges are drawn on the Guild Bank, and Perks stay active for 28 days. You can equip six Perks of the same type:

  • Glory
  • Might
  • Vitality
  • Zeal 
  • Fortune.

These grant a Set Bonus which gives your Guild members an additional boost. You can see the available Set Bonuses on the Perks tab of your Guild Window (press G to open).

Every member of your Guild can take part in Conquests on an individual level or they can help out with your Guild Invasion efforts.

View your current Conquest progress by opening your Mission Log (press L). Your personal progress shows on the Conquest tab, and your Guild’s progress shows on the Guild Invasions tab.

To earn rewards from Guild Invasions your Guild must:

  • set a Planet as your Invasion Target
  • earn the target amount of Conquest Points before the Conquest timer runs out
  • all Conquest points you earn are added to your Guild’s total. This includes points from killing mobs and completing missions. Completing your Personal Conquest goal is a great way to boost your Guild’s progress.

A red dotted coral box showing the Invasion target in The SWTOR Guild Invasions tab.

You can also buy a Stronghold for your Guild to use as their Headquarters. Guild Strongholds can only be visited by Guild Members, you can’t share the Keys with anyone outside of your Guild.

Guild Strongholds come with the same number of unlocked rooms as Personal Strongholds, you can unlock additional rooms for a fee.

To buy a Guild Stronghold, visit the Stronghold Directories on the Fleet. Choose the Stronghold you want to buy for your Guild, and make sure you have enough Credits in your Guild Bank to pay for it. If you’re low on Credits, the Strongholds on Nar Shaddaa, Dromund Kaas (for Imperial guilds), and Coruscant (for Republic guilds) are the most affordable.

You can adjust your Guild’s Heraldry (for a fee) and decorate your Guild Flagship and Stronghold the same way you decorate a Personal Stronghold. Any Guild member can help decorate using Decorations from the Guild Bank. All Guild members can donate non-bound decorations to the Guild.

To donate a decoration to your Guild:

  1. Go to a Guild Bank terminal.
  2. Open your Guild Bank vault.
  3. Open your Inventory and drag the decoration you want to donate to the Decoration Donation area in the Guild Bank vault.
  4. Click YES to confirm your donation.


  1. If it’s available, click the Purchase for Guild button on a decoration you don't own and would like to buy and donate to your Guild.
  2. The Credit cost for the decoration is charged to your personal funds.

To travel to your Guild Stronghold or Flagship, press U and select Guild. Then select the Travel Button on either the Headquarters or Flagship.

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