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Learn more about the Subscriber rewards program for STAR WARS™: The Old Republic™.

When you subscribe to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, you automatically gain the following:

  • Permanent access to all previous expansions and all content released up to and including your subscription period.
  • Full access to all aspects of the game for the duration of your subscription, with Preferred access afterward.
  • 500 Complimentary Cartel Coins per month while you are subscribed.

As a Subscriber, you have access to Subscriber-only rewards in Galactic Seasons.

In celebration of ten years of SW:TOR, we have a special reward for our players who have been continually subscribed since launch.

To be eligible for this exclusive title you must have had a continuous, unbroken, subscription to Star Wars: The Old Republic from December 20, 2011 through February 15, 2022.

If that’s you, visit your mailbox in-game to claim your Ten-Year Veteran title.

Umbaran Patrol Tauntaun

If you were a subscriber anytime between January 28, 2020 and February 29, 2020, you will have received an Umbaran Patrol Tauntaun through in-game mail on your Subscriber account.

A screenshot of a SWTOR character on an Umbaran Patrol Tauntaun mount.

Nautolan Species unlock

As a thank you to all our players who joined us on the Public Test Server in the run up to Onslaught, we’re unlocking the Nautolan species for free to anyone who is a Subscriber between September 1 (at 12:01 a.m. UTC) and October 22, 2019 (at 11:59 p.m. UTC).

A screenshot of a Nautolan player Character wielding a blaster.

We offered rewards to players who were subscribed on the following dates:

October 25, 2016:

  • Begin your battle with a powerful ally by your side: Shae Vizla, an infamous mercenary and bounty hunter, joins you as a Companion in Knights of the Eternal Throne. 
    • Shae Vizla can be recruited through a story mission, or using a token that will be delivered to your characters via in-game mail, when Knights of the Eternal Throne launches.  

November 27, 2016:

  • Rise above the battle with your personal Rapid Recon Walker Mount.
    • You'll receive your Rapid Recon Walker Mount via in-game mail when Knights of the Eternal Throne launches.

Be a subscriber continually between October 25 and November 27, 2016:

  • Join the battle three days ahead of official launch, and play Knights of the Eternal Throne right after maintenance for Game Update 5.0 on November 29, 2016. 

Be a subscriber on December 2, 2016:

  • If you're a Subscriber on launch day of Knights of the Eternal Throne, you'll have full access to the new Chapters, and can begin your journey through five new, story-filled levels. 
  • We'll also make it easy for you to jump right into the latest chapters by adding one free high-level character token to your subscribed SW:TOR account.

During the Chapter releases of Knights of the Fallen Empire, we offered additional rewards to players who were Subscribers on these dates:

January 11, 2016:

  • Recruit HK-55 in Game Update 4.1
    • You will recieve an Alliance Alert to recruit HK-55 in once your character has completed Chapter IX: The Alliance.

February 1, 2016:

  • 2 days early access to Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise.
    • Play Chapter X right after maintenance for Game Update 4.1 on February 9, 2016.
  • HK-55-inspired Jetpack
    • Look for this in your in-game mail on February 9, when Early Access for Chapter X begins.

March 1,  2016

  • 2 days early access to Chapter XI: Disavowed
    • Play Chapter XI right after maintenance for Game Update 4.2 on March 8, 2016.
  • HK-55-inspired helmet
    • Look for this in your in-game mail on March 8, when Early Access for Chapter 11 begins.

April 1, 2016

  • 2 days early access to Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark
    • Play Chapter XII right after maintenance for Game Update 4.3 on April 5, 2016.
  • HK-55-Inspired Weapons
    • Add firepower to your Alliance with the powerful new HK-55-inspired Weapon Set that includes HK-55’s Blaster Pistol, Vibrosword and Sniper Rifle.

May 1, 2016

  • 2 days early access to Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder
    • Play Chapter XIII right after maintenance for Game Update 4.4 on May 3, 2016.
  • HK-55-Inspired Ship Droid customizations
    • Make your 2V-R8 and C2-N2 droids look significantly more dangerous with HK-55-inspired Companion Customizations.   

June 1, 2016

  • 2 days early access to Chapter XIV: Mandalore's Revenge
    • Play Chapter XIV right after maintenance for Game Update 4.5 on June 1, 2016
  • 2 days early access to Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception 
    • Play Chapter XV right after maintenance for Game Update 4.6 on June 28, 2016
  • Eternal Empire Patroller Mount
    • Inpired by Zakuulan design protoypes, this elegant speeder will take you wherever your galactic adventures lead.

July 1, 2016

  • In-game HK-55 Victory Stronghold Decoration
    • Inspired by the legendary Assassin Droid's prowess, this epic portrait will enhance the look of your Stronghold -- and is sure to draw the envy of all who visit!
    • Look for your new Stronghold Decoration via in-game mail when Early Access for Chapter XVI begins. 

Be a Subscriber from January 11 through to August 1, 2016:

  • Bonus Chapter! If you subscribed continually from January 11 to August 1, you gained access to an exclusive Chapter where you play as HK-55.
    • This bonus chapter, Shroud of Memory, became available to play on September 7, 2016 for all eligible players. 

How do Subscriber Complimentary Cartel Coin rewards work?

If you’re a Subscriber, you will receive your Cartel Coin Subscriber rewards as near as possible to every thirty days.

Sometimes it may take a few extra days for the coins to appear in your account, but we’ll make every effort to grant them to you as close as we can to the 30-day mark in your recurring subscription.

If you’re using a Game Time Card to pay for your subscription, your Cartel Coin Rewards for newly added cards will only be added to your Ledger and in-game wallet once your current active game time has elapsed. You will receive two Reward grants for each 60 day card, one on the first day the time added by that card becomes active, and the other 30 days later. Each grant will be of 525 Cartel Coins.

For non-recurring Subscriptions, the Rewards program works as follows:

60 Days Fixed-time:

  • First Reward Coins granted once payment is confirmed and game time is active, second grant at 30 days.
  • Coins Rewarded: 525 each month for 2 months.

Recurring Subscriptions work as follows:

30 Days recurring subscription:

  • Coins granted once payment is confirmed and game time is active.
  • Coins rewarded: 500 every 30 days
  • Your payment method will be charged every 30 days and your reward coins for that month will be added to your account as soon as possible after that.

90 days recurring Subscription:

  • As above, additional grants at 30 days and 60 days.
  • Coins rewarded: 550 every 30 days
  • Your payment method will be charged every 90 days and your first set of reward coins for that Subscription will be added to your account as soon as possible afterwards.

180 days recurring Subscription

  • As for 30 days with additional grants at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days.
  • Coins rewarded: 600 every 30 days.
  • Your payment method will be charged every 180 days and your first set of reward coins for that Subscription will be added to your account as soon as possible afterwards.

Please note that the numbers mentioned above are purely subscription based rewards and do not include any additional coins that may be due to you from the Friends of SWTOR program or from having a Security Key attached to your account.

This is because your Security key grant and Friends Referral rewards are not granted at the same time as your Subscriber Rewards.

The Security Key grant is every thirty days from the first granted coins, as long as you still have a Security Key attached to your account. For many players their first Cartel Coin grant for having a Security Key on their account came with the launch of Game Update 1.5 on November 15th 2012 – and 100 coins will be rewarded every 30 days from that date on. If you added a Security Key to your account after November 15th 2012, you’ll receive your Complimentary Cartel Coins every 30 days from the date you added your Security Key, as long as it is still attached to your account.

If you have any further questions about your subscriber rewards or if you have not received them when they were due to you, please contact Customer Service.

Why do I not receive my Complimentary Cartel Coins exactly every 30 days?

As a Subscriber, you will receive your Complimentary Cartel Coins as close as possible to the start of your billing cycle. Sometimes it may take a few extra days for the coins to appear in your account, but we’ll make every effort to grant them to you as close as we can to the 30-day mark in your recurring subscription.

If your complimentary coins do not arrive on the date you expect, please wait for 72 hours before contacting Customer Service to report that you have not yet received them.

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