Equipping gear will increase your character’s stats and level up their abilities, making them more successful in fights and helping them survive longer.

Each character has six gear slots. Once you have geared all six slots, you can increase your character’s gear level. This means you can gear them up with higher rated gear, increasing their stats and even unlocking new abilities. Note that when you increase a character’s gear level, they will be without gear until you equip new gear on them.

You can win gear through completing and winning battles, but some gear is only available through crafting.

Equipping gear:

If a gear slot shows a green + and says Equip, you have a piece of gear in your inventory that can be directly equipped to that slot. Tap the slot and select Equip for the available piece of gear.

If a gear slot shows a yellow + it means that you have an item that could go into that slot, but not just yet (you may need to level up to equip it).

Crafting gear:

If a gear slot shows a green + and says Craft, you have enough of the required pieces of gear and/or material to craft that item. Tap the slot and then select Craft. Now you can equip that piece of gear.

If a gear slot shows a yellow + and says Craft, you have enough of the required pieces of gear and/or material to craft that item. Tap the slot and then select Craft.

Upgrading gear:

To increase your character’s gear level, you need to equip a piece of gear in each open slot. Just equip an item in each gear slot and then tap Upgrade.

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