My SW:TOR character is stuck, what can I do?

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Find out how to free your SW:TOR character if they’ve gotten stuck somewhere in the game world.

Exploring the Galaxy can lead to some unexpected situations, like your character becoming wedged in an awkward spot in the terrain, or trapped behind a wall. If this happens to you, there are quite a few ways you can extricate yourself and get back to adventuring.

Here are some of them:

  1. Type /stuck in the chat window.
    • The game will try to move your character to the nearest safe location. If it can’t find one, it’ll kill your character and allow you to revive at the nearest med center instead.
  2. Use Quick Travel to pull your character to a local bind point.
  3. If you’ve got one, use an Emergency Fleet Pass or your Emergency Fleet Pass ability to quick travel to your faction’s Fleet.
  4. If you’ve got one, travel to your Personal or Guild Stronghold.
  5. If you’ve unlocked Legacy Travel Perks, you can use them to go directly to your Personal Starship or even to another planet.
  6. If you’re near a hostile enemy or creature, attack it - if it kills your character you can choose to revive at the nearest med center. This also works with PvP flagged enemy players.
  7. If your character is a Jedi Knight or a Sith Warrior you can use an ability to leap to an enemy you’ve targeted.
  8. Some other players may have an ability to push or pull your character - ask for help in chat.
  9. If none of those work, contact SW:TOR support in-game and ask for your character to be moved.

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