See connection troubleshooting tips for improving your Connection Quality in FIFA.

Learn how to report matches for connection quality issues in-game with FIFA.

As covered in this What is Connection Quality article, your personal network connection makes a significant impact on your Connection Quality and your online gameplay experience.

The makeup of your specific network connection is going to be fairly unique to you. Some elements that might affect your network connection could include:

  • If you are using a wired or Wi-Fi connection
  • The networking hardware you use
  • The settings on your router
  • Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
  • Your physical location
  • Your local network infrastructure
  • How many people you share your network with
  • The time of day

There are many other things that can ultimately influence the quality of your network connection at any given time. But there are some steps you can take to try to improve your network connection, which may differ depending on your Connection Quality situation.

My Connection Quality is normally Good/Great, but suddenly it’s not

These troubleshooting steps may apply to you if:

  • Your EA Connection Quality Report Connection Score is normally Good or Great, but you suddenly have some matches in your Match History that were Okay or Poor.
  • You normally never see connection monitoring icons in your FIFA matches, but suddenly you start to see them.

Try shutting down and restarting your game

This can help resolve a situation where you were allocated a different Game Data Center than usual for this session due to an error or an internet issue, potentially resulting in a higher ping than normal.

Try restarting your router

For a variety of reasons, restarting your router can help clear up some common and sudden network problems that could be resulting in slower speeds (higher ping) or network instability (packet loss or jitter).

Check what else is happening on your network

If there are network intensive activities taking place on your connection while you’re playing, this can result in decreased speed (higher ping) or network congestion, potentially leading to packet loss or jitter.

Some of these activities could include downloading large files, streaming HD/4K videos, or using a shared network with a large group of people at the same time.

My Connection Quality seems to be inconsistent 

These troubleshooting steps may apply to you if:

  • Your EA Connection Quality Report Connection Score seems to change frequently or you see a wide variety in the quality of your matches in your Match History.
  • You see connection monitoring icons during your FIFA matches often, but not all the time.

Play on a wired connection

Playing with a wired connection is almost always going to result in a faster (lower ping) and more stable (less packet loss and jitter) connection than when you are playing on WiFi.

WiFi is much more susceptible to network interference due to the nature of WiFi moving the packets of game data through the air versus them moving through an ethernet cable.

Change your Wi-Fi network connection (band)

If you are unable to use a wired connection, and your router supports it, you can choose between 2.4GHz and 5GHz connections, also known as bands.

2.4GHz connections tend to have longer range, meaning you can sustain a connection further away from your wireless router. But, 2.4GHz generally is slower, potentially leading to higher ping. This band is also used by many other electronic devices, meaning that it is more susceptible to interference, potentially leading to network instability (packet loss and jitter).

5GHz is generally a faster connection (lower ping) and will generally provide a Wi-Fi connection that is less impacted by interference from other electronics and is thus more stable (less packet loss and jitter). But, it does have a reduced range when compared to a 2.4GHz connection. If you can, set up your router as close to where you game as possible.

Ultimately, which setting is right for you will depend on your unique setup.

Change your WiFi channel

This is a more advanced networking change, so please make sure that you follow the steps in your router’s manual for specific instructions for your hardware.

If you are playing in an area that has many other WiFi connections or electronic devices, you may end up having overlapping channels, which can lead to slower speeds (higher ping) and network instability (packet loss and jitter).

Changing your WiFi channel to one that doesn’t overlap with others may provide a faster (lower ping) and more stable (less packet loss and jitter) connection.

If you are using the 2.4GHz band, selecting a non-overlapping channel may be your best bet: channels 1, 6, and 11. But in some cases, trial and error may be needed to identify the best option for you.

Your Connection Quality is often only Okay or Poor

These troubleshooting steps may apply to you if:

  • Your EA Connection Quality Report Connection Score is generally Okay or Poor.
  • You see connection monitoring icons during your FIFA matches frequently, or all the time.

All of the troubleshooting from the previous section can help here as well.

Check router firmware

Firmware updates can help resolve issues or bugs with your router, so performing an update may resolve some network issues. Follow the steps in your router’s manual for specific instructions for your hardware.  Depending on your router, this can be a highly technical change, so proceed with caution.

Don’t use a VPN

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to play can cause a variety of networking and connection problems and should not be used.

Enable Quality of Service (QoS) on your router

This is a more advanced networking change, so please make sure that you follow the steps in your router’s manual for specific instructions for your hardware.

QoS is an option on some routers that allows you to set up priorities for certain network traffic. Setting this up to prioritize the network traffic from FIFA can help to ensure it goes as fast (lower ping) as possible, and that it’s not impacted by other traffic on the bandwidth (less packet loss and jitter).

If you are sharing your network with others, or are using it for a variety of things at the same time, this can help ensure that you have the appropriate bandwidth available for the game data packets that are required for playing.

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